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Roman's POV:

It happens. I watch as Virgil and Deceit fall into the pit, disappearing into the darkness, never to be seen ever again. The darkness swallows them up, consuming them. They're gone. Gone forever. Dead to the world. Dead to everyone. Dead to society. But Virgil will never be dead to me.

And that's when it hits me. I fall to my knees and curl up in a ball, crying my heart out and screaming until my throat burns.

"Roman? Roman? Can you hear me?" Logan.

I nod as best as I can, curling up tighter.

"Okay, okay. Based on my observations, you are experiencing- as one would say- heartbreak. And also having a major panic attack. Would you like me to get Patton?"

I shake my head. "All I- all I- all I want is Vir- Virgil."

"I know, I know you do, but you can't have him. He's gone forever, Roman, and I know that's hard to accept now, but you'll have to at some point. Plus, you'll forget about him within a month's time."

I quickly stand up and face Logan in anger. "No I won't! I'll never forget him! That stupid pit won't make me ever forget him! My true love! My everything! Nothing can make me forget him! NOTHING EVER CAN!"

Logan walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Roman, you're going through the stage of denial right now. But denying the issue and lying to yourself won't solve anything. All it will do is increase the emptiness and pain that you feel because the hurt within will never be solved if you keep on ignoring it. I know that you have a hole in your soul now, but you can't fill it with using ignorance as your first tool. It's not healthy. The first step to take in the strangling situation of despair is to accept what happened and maybe get psychiatric help. Many psychologists out there help people go through the loss of someone, the loss of a loved one. I think it would be a very helpful coping tool within this month before you forget everything about Virgil. And if you ever need to talk about how you're feeling or need some companionship, you can always come to Patton or me. We'd be the first ones to be by your side and to catch you when you fall. And Roman, you've fallen pretty deep. The loss of a loved one is a very hard process to go through. We all loved Virgil- I saw him as a very pleasant and loyal friend and Patton saw him as his youngest son- but you had a romantic relationship with him. And that is the most beautiful relationship of any. I know you don't want to forget it, but you can't stop fate. You have to forget it. You were meant to forget it. I know this is hard news to hear, but I'm only speaking the truth. So please, Roman, don't let this drown you. Let this pain create your armor."

I sniffle. "But I don't want to forget him."

"We have to do many things that we don't want to do. It's just a fact of life. But maybe...maybe we can defeat this forgetfulness and still remember Virgil."

I feel hope spark within me. "And how could we do that?"

"Maybe if we gather everything of him- pictures, videos, clothes, CDs, DVDs, some of his concert stuff- and put it in a box that says 'Our Beloved Friend, Virgil'. And we could also make a video of us all saying how much we loved Virgil and explaining who he was. Therefore, when his memory is erased from our minds, we can look at the videos and contents in the box and maybe that could bring back the memories of him."

I nod, crying harder now. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess that could work."

"Good. Now let's go report to Patton about the bad news." Logan wipes away his tears and rubs my back as I cry with my head in my hands.

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