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I open my eyes and look over at Roman, my prince. His face looks so beautiful...probably because he's relaxed. Wish I could know what that is like. Being relaxed, restful, having no anxiety at all. But when you are the embodiment of anxiety, it's kind of hard not to be.

To be an ass, I poke Roman's cheek. "Wakey, wakey," I coon. His face twitches a little bit but his eyes are still closed. I poke his cheek again and he doesn't budge. Omg will he just wake up already! "Princeyyyyyyyyy," I whine. I see his eyes flutter but not open. Then I kiss his lips and instantly he kisses back, tangling his fingers in my hair and deepening the kiss. Then he pulls away and smirks, raising his eyebrow. "What?"

"Missed me much?"

I bury my face in his neck. "A lot, actually," I mumble.

He chuckles and brings my body closer to his. My sweatshirt touches his bare skin since he refuses to sleep in a shirt. Fucking weirdo.

"Hmmm, why do you have to wear that sweatshiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrttttt?"

"So I can hide my sccccaaaaaarrrrrsssss you idiot."

He gives me a serious look and says, "Everything about you is beautiful. I don't mind seeing them. Of course, as long as it's okay with you."

Should I show him my scars? What if he freaks out? What if he stops loving me?! Okay Virgil, calm down, calm down. Everything's gonna be alright. Just calm yourself. Everything's alright, everything's alright. Just calm down, just calm down.

I nod. "Yeah, sure, you can see them...I guess. Just promise not to freak out!"

"I promise, I promise, that I won't freak out."

I slowly unzip my sweatshirt and take it off, throwing it onto the ground. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he stares at my arms. "As I said before, you're still beautiful." I blush at his words. "Now take off your shirt and come cuddle with me." I do as he says and buries my face in his neck, his arms wrapping around me and pushing me up against him.

"I love you, Princey," I mumble.

"Awwwww I love you too, Hot Topic!" Oh God, he's such a sweetheart. Kills me almost every time.

We just lay there, my arms wrapped around his neck, one of his hands playing with my hair, and his other arm wrapped securely around me. I wonder how someone so perfect- like him- can love someone so broken- like me. Is it because we're polar opposites? They do say that opposites belong together, but others don't believe that. I don't know. It all depends on your point of view, I guess, as does everything. But the thing is that what if I get too much for him? What if he's tired of all the cutting and crying and hurting so he leaves me? God, that would send me straight to death. If he just broke my heart like that...I don't even want to imagine it. Heartbreak is something I've had too much experience with and one's heart can only break so much.

"Hey Virgil?"

I look up at Roman. "Yeah?"

He rolls over on his side to look at me. "Is it true that physical scars will heal but the ones in your mind will always remain?"

I give him a confused. Why is he asking me this? "Why are you asking me instead of Patton? Wouldn't he understand it-?"

He interrupts me before I can finish. "But not as much as you do."

My eyes widen as I realize what he's getting at. "Do you mean...associated with my mind?"

He nods.

I sigh. "Yes, it is true. These scars may heal-" I show him my wrists. "-but the ones imprinted on my brain will forever stay...always causing me pain." I whisper the last part, hoping he didn't hear me. Don't want him to worry even more.

He gently grabs my wrist and starts caressing the scars with his thumb. "It's okay. Everything will be okay. I promise you that. Pinkie promise."

I chuckle. "Pinkie promise."

Then silence fills us until I start to sing, not caring if Roman judges me.

"Hello, can you see me
I am standing right here
Hello, are you listening?
Can you hear me?
I am, I am screaming in your ear

I have nothing to fear
I have nothing to say
You have nothing to take this from me
Years of screaming in pain
Years of anger and rage
I will not be your slave

So here we are
This is the end
But all that dies
Is born again
The scars will still remain
From the ashes, I will rise again
Goodbye, hello

I leave you in this moment
It's time to strip you of this hold
I will shed myself of this memory
But you
You won't forget me
I will hunt you till the truth unfolds

I have nothing to fear
I have nothing to say
You have nothing to take this from me
Years of screaming in pain
Years of anger and rage
I will not be your slave

So here we are
This is the end
But all that dies
Is born again
The scars will still remain
From the ashes, I will rise again
Goodbye, hello

So here we are
This is the end
But all that dies
Is born again

Roman kisses the top of my head and says, "Fight off that depression, baby."

Sanders Sides- Virgil Where stories live. Discover now