Out with a bang part 1

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Erin POV
The smell of fresh coffee evades my nostrils, waking me from my heavy slumber. I drag my tired body towards the smell and find an equally exhausted Jay standing in his blue boxers siping at the hot liquid in his hands. He passes me a mug and we both stand in silence as the caffeine wakes us up.

"Did you sleep alright?" He asks placing his mug in the sink and then wrapping his burly arms around my slender body.

" Yeah, you definitely tired me out last night." I reply as his face turns into a smile. He grabs some clothes and we both get dressed. I can't believe I scored such a man. His muscles shine through the tight shirt as he puts it on. He then proceeds to change his boxers, revealing my favourite part of him.

"It's not nice to stare Lindsey," his  teasing brings me out of my thoughts as I finish getting ready. Jay so kindly grabs my badge and gun handing them to me with a peck on the lips. With little time to spare we rush out the door and head to the district.

After a bumpy drive we finally arrive and are greeted by and equally late Mouse. A subtle wave and many stairs later we are in the district listening to the details of our new case.

"Joe white AKA Joseph Birmingham." Hank says as he tapes a picture of a white man onto the board. "We have a lead on his location and Mouse is texting you all the address now. He has already killed two people so let's be careful with this one. I want everyone on high alert today. We all go home, understood?"  The team nods in sync as each phone buzzes and we  all scurry to our cars.

Jay and I are first at the warehouse and I already have a bad feeling about this. Swallowing the lump in my throat I raise my weapon and follow Jay inside the dingy place. The rest of our team rolls up and join us inside. After searching the entire building we don't find anything. Somehow I still can't get rid of the bad felling as we exit the warehouse. None of that seems to matter when I hear it.

A shot, one single bullet that seemed to hit Jay in the chest.

I hear a grown and screaming but I stay frozen in place unable to take my eyes of my bleeding boyfriend that is laying helplessly on the ground. I feel a shake of my shoulder drawing me out of the daze I was just in and pulling me to the ground beside Jay.

To be continued

So there it is. I really hope you guys liked my first chapter. This is the first fic  I've ever written so please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better or if you have any requests leave them in the comments and I will do my very best job at writing them. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.😘😘😘

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