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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTONIO!!!" Yelled a very excited Erin carrying a beautiful roasted chicken out towards her guests. Seated at the table was the entire intelligence unit along with many firefighters and doctors from med. Though Erin was hosting the feast everyone was seated at the large table inside of firehouse 51. The chicken was placed onto the table and with that the feast was complete.

Everyone began digging in. After the long car and eventually foot chase the intelligence unit was starving. You could tell how hungry they all were but especially Jay, he was shoving the food down his throat. All was well and everyone was happy. Even Voight began laughing with his colleagues which was virtually unheard of.

Suddenly Jay couldn't breathe. Like someone had their hands around his neck even though there was nobody there. Nobody was noticing the struggling silent gasps coming from his blue almost purple lips.

"... yeah I remember that day. Jay tackled the guy in some lady's kitchen, basically destroyed it.  Do you remember that day?...Jay you okay?" Asked Ruzek finishing the story. The whole table turned around to see Jay white as a sheet with nearly purple lips. Concerned looks filled the faces of everyone eating and then with an audible thud Jay fell from his chair laying unconscious on the ground his chest unmoving.

The doctors rushed to his side while gabby ran to grab a defibrillator and an intubation kit.

"He's not breathing, weak pulse." Stated Rhodes.  "I need a crash cart! Now!" Jay's shirt was cut off exposing the chiseled muscles beneath. Sticky pads were placed onto his chest on in the middle and one sideways on the left side of his chest just bellow the nipple. "Bag him we need to start CPR," explained Rhodes once more. Two breathes were pumped into Jay's useless lungs while Dr. Choi climbed over Jay getting ready for compressions. After the final hum of the second breathe Ethan began pressing his muscular frame into Jay's sternum. The cracking of ribs could be heard in the now dead silence of the room.

"It's not working tube him," announced Will giving Erin a reassuring hug. "He'll be fine, it's Jay." For once Rhodes agreed and opened Jay's mouth to shove a tube down his throat. Then he saw it.

"It's food, get me forceps!" Demanded Rhodes after receiving the supplies he shoved the forceps down Jay's  throat causing Jay's gag reflex to kick in waking him from the unconscious slumber. Oxygen deprived and confused Jay reached up pawing at the intrusion. A pair of familiar arms wrapped around his and for once Jay did fight it. The food was slowly coming out until it was gone. Jay's heart was still going crazy.

"A- fib we have to shock him," stated Ethan stepping back from Jay. All the doctors agreed.

"Jay, this is going to hurt like hell for a second but your heart is beating wrong so we're going to shock it back into rhythm. You with me on this?" Asked Will charging the defibrillator to 200V. Jay gave a tiny barely seeable nod. "Clear!" Jays body jerked into the air without control. At this point Jay's heart was back to normal and he was taken reluctantly to Chicago med.

Will could swear that he needed to cut up Jay's food like he was a child.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now