Crash part 2

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Nobody's POV

Jay was laying motionless on the forest ground with his strong arm pinned underneath the front of the plane. Erin immediately ran to Jay checking his pulse, happy when she felt a strong one in his neck. Will run to the pilot searched for a pulse but unlike Erin he was unsuccessful. He fell to his still unconscious baby brother.

"We need to find the first aid kit!" He demanded as Erin rose onto her shaky legs and pulled a large orange box from inside a drawer in the front of the plane. "Jay? Buddy? Can you hear me? If you can can you open your eyes please." He practically begged his brother to wake up from his forced slumber. Jay's baby blues slid open along with a groan of pain from his lips. "That's it Jay wake up for me," he told him as the remaining sleep left his body and was replaced by sheer agony. 

Will's POV

His back arched off the hard ground and I knew it was bad. Jay rarely shows pain and for him to be showing it this much. He must be in hell. His arm was pinned under the front of the plane. Hie in hell were we supposed to get him out?

Nobody's POV

Will began to examine the arm when he heard Jay's wheezing. The struggle to get air into his lungs over took his mind; he simply couldn't get any air into his heaving lungs. Will grabbed the Stethoscope and gently placed it onto his brothers chest, listening intently.

"Damn it. Erin he's got a collapsed lung. He needs a chest tube." Explained Will grabbing a small bag and tearing it open. Brown liquid was quickly splashed into Jay's chest followed by a blue tarp with a hole cut out. "Jay buddy I need to put in a chest tube. I don't have any lido but I have to do it." Jay nodded breathlessly as Erin grabbed his other arm and held it tightly above his head giving him reassuring kisses on the forehead. "Here we go."

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now