Out with a bang part 3

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Nobody's POV

"What the hell happened?" Asked a concerned gabby as she placed her medical bag on the ground next to a barely conscious Jay. "How you doing Jay?" She asked noticing the gunshot wound and making her own assumptions. Jay gave a small nod and gabby took that as her cue to begin treating him. She slowly peeled off the shirt that her older brother had used to slow the bleeding revealing the mess underneath it. Gabby proceeded to place gauze on the hole. After that she heard the wheezing coming from Jay's heaving lungs and listened to his breathing with her stethoscope. "Damn it, Brett his lung is collapsed."

"Setting up a chest tube now, here the antiseptic." Gabby splashed the the brown liquid onto Jays chest as he continued to struggle.

Erin's POV
I can't believe they are about to stick a tube into Jay's chest. Gabby says that because of his worsening condition and the fact that they need to do this quickly they can't numb him for the chest tube meaning he's really going to feel it.

" Tonio grab his left hand and hold it above his head tight!" He does as told. "Ruzek you come here and hold his hips and legs still," with a nod he complies. "Erin come here and hold his left hand you are his comfort, OK" We all nod in response.

"What, are we holding him down?" Ruzek asked. Gabby gave him a small nod which I guess Jay noticed because he let out a grown as a distasteful look appeared on his face.

"Scalpel." Demanded Gabby as after she told Jay how this would hurt like hell but she would make it quick. She looked at the boys and after receiving nods from both of them she said was sorry and then he screamed.

The grip he had on my hand was close to that of a vice. The scalpel met the skin as his weak back arched off the ground in agony. Gabby proceeds to push her finger into his chest followed by another scream and more struggling breaths.

"I know, I know just try to take easy breaths I'm almost done" gabby said shoving the tube into Jay's chest. A rush of air exited the tube as Jay takes one huge breath and immediately relaxes. Antonio released his hand and Ruzek jumped of his hips where he had been holding him down. I stroked the sweaty hair off his forehead still holding his hand.

He was loaded onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambo. I hopped in behind him. Now I have an even bigger problem. How was Will going to handle this? and how where we going to keep stubborn Jay in the hospital?

To be continued

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