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Promt by @sasastyles

Bang. The bolted door was flung open and the entire intelligence unit filed into a large building which they had determined was a cocaine making factory, supplying nearly half of Chicago's population with the while powder. People were starting to just pop up dead, Will was growing concerned with the amount of overdoses he had encountered in the passing weeks.

Men began screaming in loud bellows as the noise from intelligences voices startled them onto their hands and knees. One offender however had different plans and bolted towards the door. Jay being the closest to him followed, pursuing the man at a lightening fast speed.

"Chicago pd stop!" He yelled from his position behind a stack of the still packaged deadly drug. The mans eyes bugged out of his skull in a frantic panic. He reached for the gun at his hip, shooting directly at Jay who was still standing defensively behind the drugs, using it as a shield for the bullets.

With one final shot the packaging which up to this point had been protecting Jay exploded in a cloud of white powder which found its way up into his nose. The man ran away, luckily Kevin was close behind and continued in the pursuit of the missing offender. Jay attempted to hold his breath as he made work of brushing off the white powder. First he removed it from his nose and mouth and then to the best of his ability her brushed it off his dark coloured clothes.

"Damn... Halstead if you wanna pass your next drug test... don't breathe!" Explained Hank as he helped Jay brush off the powder. "There's a decontamination team outside... they're waiting for you and then you're going to med!" Hank demanded. Jay couldn't respond due to the fact that he was trying not the take any more of the drug into his system, hoping that the small amount he did take in wouldn't effect him.

Jay paced back to the decontamination team who all stood in oversized blues suits that looked like the ones astronauts would wear. They were surrounded by a large plastic bubble, which was see through but protected the outside world from the nasty drug that was now floating in the air due to the little incident with the gunshot tearing open one of the packages.  Hank walked on the other side of the clear plastic and looked at his sweaty detective with a sad but reassuring smile.

"You feeling okay kid?" He asked as one of the spacesuit covered people wiped the powder from his face. Jay nodded in response as the lady in front of him said something quietly that Hank couldn't quite make out.

"Alright sarge I'm good you can go now." Jay said almost awkwardly.

"No I'm staying with you that drug is killing people all over Chicago and I'll be damned if it killed one of my detectives too! Plus protocol says someone with a badge has to stay with you until you get an all clear from a doctor. " He almost yelled while Jay looked almost embarrassed at what he was going to say next.

"Yeah I appreciate that sarge but according to their protocol," he said looking at all the people he was surrounded with,"I'm about to get naked so if you would do kindly leave or send Er..." his voice stopped for a second at what he was saying. He knew Hank couldn't send Erin in. Erin had already left. "... At least turn around..." Jay once again said in an awkward tone. Hank did as asked and turned around waiting for the cue to face his detective again. "Okay we're good!" Jay exclaimed. Hank turned to face his detective who was now shirtless and wearing only the blue paper "boxers" the contamination team had provided him with.

"Alright but you're still going to med." Hank stated as Jay swayed to his feet. "Jay buddy you okay?" Hank asked now concerned for his shaky detective. "Jay?" He asked once more before the tall man in front of him collapsed to the floor, well grass really and shook uncontrollably. "Damn it kid!" Hank yelled drawing the attention of the whole team and the two paramedics who were standing there in the event that something were to happen.

People rushed to Jay's side. Hank was there first. He grabbed Jay's shoulders and rolled him onto his side. Next came the paramedics. Immediately the female paramedic drew some clear liquid into a syringe as Jay continued to convulse under Hank's grasp. The lady in uniform grabbed the needle into Jay's muscular arm. Within seconds the frantic shaking stopped and Jay's breathing calmed down. Baby blue eyes slipped into view as Hanks face lit up like a Christmas tree, ecstatic that Jay was okay.

"Ow?" Jay said barely above a whisper. He rubbed his eyes gently and then looked up at Jank who gave him a disappointed look. "What happened? he asked.

"You had a seizure you idiot." Hank joked punching Jay's unpoked  shoulder playfully. "Don't do that again you scared the crap out of me."

"Awww you care." Jay joked back as he was loaded into the ambo.

"Sorry sir only family is allowed in the ambo with him." One of the paramedics said.

"He is family." Jay said and Hank smiled as he hopped into the ambo. With his family.

I really like how this one turned out. I just wish it would happen in real life... plus half naked Jay is everyone's favourite! Also what do y'all think of Hailey? Yay or nay. Feel free to leave a suggestion but it might be a little bit before you see it up because I have a couple promts in the making plus two other stories but nonetheless I will get to it. Yeah that's all have a great day//night😘😘😘

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