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Promt by one_chicago

Everyone who knew him was sitting inside of the dimly lit bar that they usually did. They passed around a boot to raise money for his family, though really he only had his wife left. The crowd raised several glasses in his name, smiling fake smiles, sadly drinking away their sorrows.

"Hey guys I'm going to head home." Jay said sadly, placing his shot glass onto the counter of the bar and propping his jacket over his shoulders.

"Alright, have a good night." Hailey answered, giving him a light pat on the shoulder as he left. Cold summer air hit his face in the darkness of the night, burning like a small fire, he walked briskly towards his car, slamming the door shut once he got in. He ran his icy hands over his face, exhaling against them. He felt the warmth of hot tears spilling out of his green eyes. Quickly, he wiped them away, making sure that no one could tell he had been crying.

With tears still brimming in Jay's eyes he popped the latch of his apartment door open and slumped inside. He plopped onto the sofa with a cold beer already in his hand. He remembered all the good times with Alvin, though it hurt his heart.

"I heard you might be drinking, a man shouldn't be drinking alone!"

"Two tours, Afghanistan." "You ever get injured in the line of crushing grapes."

It hurt to think about the good times, it only reminded Jay of the bad ones. The way Alvin was stabbed, watching the video tape, seeing the life fade from his eyes. It hurt. It really, really hurt.

All Jay wanted to do was make the pain go away, the ache in his heart, he needed it gone. He walked over to the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a small baggy from inside of a drawer. In his hand, a small yellow pill. He rolled it between his fingers and sighed at the thought of pain. Pain he only wanted to go away.

With little hesitation he swallowed the yellow substance, not even needing any water to get it down.

"Damn it Al, look what you made me do!" He yelled angrily. With one final surge of energy he threw his fist into the mirror across from him. Bloodied, aching hands. Now not only did his heart hurt, regretting each thump but his large hand throbbed against the invading glass. "Great now I'll have to deal with Will's crap too."

He forced his tired body to move towards his car, his feet dragging sadly across the pavement. He made his way to Chicago med. This was the last place he wanted to be, it was where his best friend died. Yet, it was quiet, peaceful, somehow giving the feeling of comfort.

"Dude it's two in t..." Will stopped talking the second he saw tears poking at the corners off his baby brother's eyes. "Come on I'll get you patched up." He calmly explained, leading the way towards a treatment room. Jay plopped onto the exam table and held out his hand for his brother to look at. "So how'd you manage this?" Will asked as he filled a needle with lidocaine.

"I saw a picture of you and it scared me so much that I accidentally hit a mirror." Jay said sarcastically. He ran his good hand through his hair and winced as he felt the sharp needle enter the torn skin of his hand. "Ow."

"Sorry, I guess I could be a bit easier on the eyes, but to be fair you're not any easier." Will once again joked, this time starting to stitch up Jay's hand. Jay looked up at the white ceiling and momentarily closed his baby blue eyes, trying to find a moment to compose himself as a wave of nausea hit him in the face. "You alright?" Will asked, noticing the uncomfortable look on his brother's face.

"Just a bit diz..." whatever Jay was going to say next was cut short. His eyes which had only been open for a split second, rolled back into his skull. Will removed all the sharp tools away from his brother and helped Jay onto his side. Jay's body went limp, the only movement being the uncontrollable shaking the overtook his body.

"Need some help in here!" Will yelled. The curtain to Jay's room flung open, revealing the most beautiful girl Will had ever laid eyes on. "Nat!  I need you to push narcan!" He pushed, still feeling the tremors from his baby brother's frame under his own. Natalie grabbed a new needle out of the cabinet and filled it with the clear liquid Will had asked for. She plunged the needle into Jay's arm. His body relaxed as the seizure came to an end. Still unconscious, Will grabbed each eye lid and pulled it up to check Jay's pupils. "Pinpoint pupils." Will mentioned as he saw Natalie hook Jay up to and IV.

"Someone should call Hank." She said calmly, placing her hand onto Will's shoulder, trying to comfort her hands on boyfriend who was just worried about his brother.

"Yeah, I'll do it, can you stay with him?" Will asked, rubbing his sweaty hands over his face, feeling the poking stubble underneath his hands.

"Of course." Nat responded as she watched Will leave the room. She waited until Will was out of earshot to lay it on Jay. "Listen I know you can't really talk right right now but I need you to be okay. Will needs you, I need you, hell, even Hank needs you. So stop scaring the living crap out of Will and Just be okay. Even for a little, just be okay. Okay? Okay?"


Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now