Out with a bang part 4

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Will's POV
I'm just finishing up my paperwork when everyone around me starts moving and I know that a new Patient is coming in. Worry fills my body as Erin's bloody form enters the ED. Then I see him. He is connected to so many wires and is bleeding everywhere. I look over to Shannon and she gives me a nod allowing me to treat my baby brother. Sprinting into the room I cover my face with a mask, put on some gloves and begin to help Jay.

He already has a chest tube and is still breathing just fine and with that I am pleased that he is going to be fine.

"Will? Will?" I hear the hushed voice of my brother and grab his outstretched hand rubbing his head. It used to make him feel better when we were kids so why the hell not.

21 hours later

Nobody's POV

Will gathered the supplies for a catheter knowing this wouldn't be pleasant for him or Jay. But especially Jay. He walked into the room where his brother was sleeping with Erin by his side also passed out.

"Jay, wake up bud." Will said softly waking both his brother and his girlfriend from their slumber. Jay glared at the tray in his brothers hand knowing why he was there. He closed his eyes and let out a small whimper as Erin firmly grabbed his hand and reassured him that he would be fine and it would be over before he knew it. Jay however was not convinced. "I could get a nurse to do it. I just thought that uh you'd want me to do it since well I've already seen it all." Jay gave Will a nod and shyly asked if Natalie could place the catheter. I mean she's seen Will naked and he needed someone he could trust. He needed Will to hold his hand and rub his head just like when they were little.

"Hi Jay, I'm here to place the catheter." Natalie said. She was dressed in dark red scrubs with  blue gloves covering her small hands. She grabbed the tray from Will and told him and Erin to stay at the head of Jay's bed and hold his hands. Jay swallowed hard wincing at the sudden pain it caused. Erin took ahold of his hand as did Will. He felt bad for his poor brother. And he knew this was going to hurt.

"Okay, first we are going to adjust the coverings and then we will begin." Natalie said placing her hand on Jay's thigh comfortingly. She carefully lifted the blanket placing it gently on Jay's chest as his heart monitor started to beep a little faster. "It's okay Jay. I'll be quick I promise," he exhaled and then took a sharp breath in. Natalie lifted his gown and he had never felt more exposed. She proceeded to clean the area which sent shivers down his spine. "Alright I'm going to start now. You're going to feel me moving things around and then I'm going to put it in. You might not want to look buddy." With that Jay rested his head on the pillows and stared at the ceiling.

He felt Natalie move him around and then she nodded at Will and Erin. Erin pressed a kiss onto his forehead and watched his face while Will carefully observed what Natalie was doing.  Erin saw him close his eyes and then squeeze them shut as he felt the catheter enter him. She moved the sweaty hair from his forehead and whispered reassuring words into his ear. Will however just watched what his colleague was doing to his poor brother hearing his grunts of pain. He shifted his eyes from the procedure unable to watch the torture. Will began rubbing his brothers head as a single tear dropped from Jay's left eye. Jay's heart monitor was going crazy as his heart rate and blood pressure skyrocketed.

"Jay, if you relax this will go quicker. Just relax for me buddy." Doctor Manning said pushing the catheter deeper. Will couldn't take his poor brother being in so much pain anymore. He let go of Jay's hand and grabbed a pair of blue gloves.

"Jay I'm going to make it better okay" Will said motioning for Natalie to move. Jay let out a painful breath and nodded. Will grabbed his poor baby brothers aching flesh and with one big push and a scream from Jay it was over. "That's it, its over buddy, catheter's in." Jay let out a sigh and Will covered up his exposed parts with his gown and blanket. He and Erin shared a quick kiss and then they both fell asleep.

Two weeks later

Jay was finally out of the hospital and at home resting. The removal of the catheter was far less traumatic. He wasn't to mad though because Erin was playing nurse and he got a couple of extra special sponge baths.

That's it my friends. I'm done. I will be taking requests so please if you have an idea let me know and I will be writing it. Hope you liked the first four chapters the rest will be one or two part whump stories based on request and a few of my own. Sorry this chapter was so long but I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading 😘😘😘

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