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It was a regular long day in the intelligence unit. Everyone sitting at their desks with bored expressions plastered on their faces. The silence was broken by Jay's phone ringing. After a small glance at his phone a smile erupted onto his face along with the light chuckle that escaped his pink lips. The whole team turned to face him and he looked up realizing that all eyes were in him.

"Everybody up, we need to get out of this funk. Will is downstairs with ice cream," cheerful and thankful the team stood up and headed to the break room waiting for Will to show up with the deliciousness. He quickly braved the stairs being buzzed up by Trudy who told him that they better save some for her.

"Now I'm a doctor so I usually don't recommend so much sugar but you all look like you need it." Stated an amused Will at the childlike faces of the excited detectives.

The adults dug in and began their regular conversation. Even Hank  had joined in laughing at the silly detectives beside him.

The fun was short lived as the laughter was replaced by Jay's constant coughing. His face was turning a nasty shade of red with hints of blue indicating that he wasn't getting any air. The rest of the detectives looked at him confused at the sudden change in character. Will however grabbed the box of ice cream his brother had just consumed and began reading the ingredients out loud.

"... peanuts, shit," Will said as his brother continued to struggle with getting any air, coughing so hard he left the chair falling to the ground and was on his hands and knees nearly passing out. "Jay? Jay... look at me, where do you keep it.? The epi pen, where is it?" Asked an obviously worried Will. Erin was kneeled beside Jay rubbing his back as the coughing continued to worsen. After many struggling breaths Jay finally managed to speak knowing he would likely end up with a tube down his throat if he didn't.

"... ," he managed to say, hearing some of the men around him shuffle to their feet. A loud crash was heard which he concluded has the breaking down of his locker door. Antonio returned, epi pen in hand, handing it to Will.

"I need you to turn around Jay." Explained Will. Jay didn't move. He really couldn't breathe and moving wouldn't help him. After seeing that Jay wouldn't budge Antonio wrapped his strong arms around Jay's shoulders pushing him gently onto his back. At this point Jay was completely blue his lips going a nasty shade of purple.

"I need a leg." Said Will while Jay continued to struggle for air. Taking over Erin pulled at his belt buckle until it opened, receiving a look from Voight. She quickly pulled his pants down to his knees leaving him in his boxers. Will lifted the blue cap off the epi pen and gave Jay a quick glance receiving a nod from his baby brother he was confident enough start. Erin wrapped her small hands around both of his, holding them still. Lifting his arm high for momentum Will plunged the orange end of the pen into his breathless brothers thigh. Almost immediately Jay's hands flew out of Erin's reaching for the source of the pain. Even oxygen deprived Erin was no match for Jay. Adam grabbed one arm while Antonio grabbed the other holding him still for the until Will said it was okay to let him go.

"Ahh..." yelled Jay though in his current state it sounded more like a whisper.

"Couple more seconds then it's over, almost there bud," said Will wincing at Jay's pained expression. Erin sat beside his head stroking it lightly and giving his forehead the occasional peck of encouragement.

The coughing slowly subsided as the medicine seeped into his bloodstream. Jay's breaths became less ragged and more even. The two men holding him still released his hands and passed then gently off to Erin who gladly took them in her own. Will removed the needle from Jay's thigh earning him a small smile from the blue lips below him.

"You good?" Asked Will still slightly concerned. Though no words spilled from his lips Jay gave a small nod indicating he was okay. That was all Will needed. The rest of team had since left the conference room leaving only Will, Jay and Erin. They sat in silence all catching their breath each happy that Jay was ok. Blue but okay.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now