Sick part 1

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Jay had been feeling sick all week. Everyone noticed even Hank. At this point Hank told Erin and Jay to take the weekend off and for poor miserable Jay to get better.

The two took the offer and left immediately, making their way back to their apartment where they both passed out from pure exhaustion.

Erin awoke to moaning coming from the other side of the bed as she wrapped her slender arms around her handsome boyfriend she noticed that he was in a lot of pain.

"Jay what hurts?" She asked worried that there was something seriously wrong.

"My neck and my back" he replied sadly laying his exhausted head back onto the sweat drenched pillow. She rubbed his sore muscles for about an hour noticing that her neck was starting to get sore. She called Will who was at Med and asked him what to do.

"And your neck is sore too?" He asked

"yeah, what should I do?" She answered hoping it was nothing serious.

"Come in now and don't touch anybody else." Will said in a firm tone scaring the already under the weather Erin. She put Jay's weak arm over her shoulder practically carrying him out the door and to the car. After struggling with Jay she got the keys into the ignition and drove quickly to Med.

When she got to Med she basically dragged Jay in with her and he was quickly taken onto a stretcher by Will who was wearing what looked like a spacesuit into a clear plastic bubble.

Will gave his dehydrated brother some fluids through an IV which thankfully Jay didn't freak out about. As Jay came back into a clear mind Will still in his spacesuit looking clothes grabbed his brother eyelids and lifted them slowly shining a light into the baby blue orbs.

"I think it's meningitis but we have to do an LP to be sure." Will said shining the light into Erin's eyes and shuddering at the thought of sticking a giant needle into his brothers back.

"He won't be very happy about that.  Can't you just do one on me instead?"

"We will but in order to treat him we need to know what exactly it is, so both of you need an LP."

Erin sighed knowing how scared Jay was of even the smallest needle but a huge one in his spine now that is going to be interesting.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now