Sick part 3

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Erin tried to catch her breath as Will laid her onto her back grabbing the ultrasound machine.

" Erin, Erin, look at me. Is there any chance your pregnant?" Both Erin and Jay looked at Will in shock at his question.

"I don't, I-I don't know, maybe?" She replied weakly as Jay watched in fear as Will tugged her shirt up and squeezed some jelly onto her stomach. He looked intently at the screen and saw nothing in the uterus.

"Call OB" Will said pulling Erin's pants down and then grabbing the transvaginal wand Erin and Jay had never seen a contraption like that and thought nothing of it. Jay grabbed her hand and wondered why Will pulled down her pants. Will put the plastic over the wand and went to pull Erin's underwear down when Jay's hand stopped him.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Jay asked sharply holding Will's hand still.

"I think she is pregnant but I can't tell for sure and if something if wrong then I need to be able to see what it is. The only way to see clearly enough is vaginally." Will then exhaled after ranting to his little brother for about a minute. He looked at Erin who was still in shock and clamping her legs closed at the sight of the wand. Will looked at her with eyes the size of saucers as if asking permission. Erin inhaled sharply and gave Will a nod as she focused Jay's face. They looked into each other's eyes contently as Will guided Erin's feet into stirrups. Will went to pull Erin underwear off and Jay stood up and did it for him telling them both that no other man would ever be taking her clothes off. Will and Erin let out soft chuckles at Jay's caution as Jay sat back into the chair by the head of Erin's bed.

"Scoot towards me." Will said putting lube onto the wand. " Erin this is going to be uncomfortable but I need to see okay?" Erin gave him a nod and he began to slowly slide the wand into her. As the wand invaded her she squeezed Jay's hand calming him more than herself. He didn't want another man down there especially not his brother. She winced as he moved the wand in different directions getting a better look.

"Ow" Erin cried out as the wand was shoved deeper. At that moment the small thump thump of a heartbeat filled the room and Erin instantly relaxed against Jay's protective grasp. It wasn't Erin's heartbeat it was the heartbeat of their unborn child that was growing inside her. She looked toward the screen that Will had turned so the expecting parents could see their son/daughter. "I'm pregnant?" Erin asked needing a definite answer. Will simply smiled and nodded as did Jay. "Jay I'm preg..." She said getting cut off by a kiss to the lips.

"Last time I swear" Will said as he slid the wand out of her causing her to grown in pain.

Results from Jay's spinal tap came but negative and the young couple were sent home to rest. Now all they had to do was tell Hank... that would be fun.

Should I continue with this idea and make this into a linstead turn into parents story or keep the short unrelated stories if this does turn into a linstead parenting fic I'm going to make a new jay whump story and keep that as one shots what do guys want to see? I'm really conflicted so let me know... thanks for reading guys😘😘😘

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