Out of place

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"Pass the damn ball Adam." Yelled Jay obliviously frustrated. Adam finally passed the ball. Everyone had come out to the annual fire, police BBQ. Even some of the doctors from med had decided to show up. Will had never liked soccer and much preferred Hockey. He was sitting with Erin and Hank who were both also watching the game.

"Has he always been so competitive?" Asked Erin curious about a younger Jay.

"Since I can remember. We used to play hockey on the street. Anyways we were playing against some punks and this lady from across the street threw a pot of boiling water on us, caught Jay on the foot. He had a second degree burn but he still didn't back down. We ended up winning the game. So long answer to your question is yes he has always been like this." He finished, exasperated.

"Come on Jay," Erin yelled as he approached the net. "YES"

"GOAL" hollered Will seeing his baby brother throw off his sweaty shirt in excitement. "Nice shot Jay."

After a couple more goals everybody ate and then a game of football ensued. This time it was fire vs. Pd. a battle of the badges.

"Hut hut" yelled Jay passing the ball back towards Antonio. Everyone started running Antonio threw the ball back to Jay who was then pounced on by Kelly followed by a scream out of Jay's mouth. With the sound of screams all of the doctors who were up to this point happily watching jumped out of their seats and ran over to Jay. Erin followed, quickly behind them.

"Jay what happened what's wrong?" Asked Erin as Will and Ethan began assessing Jay looking him up and down. "Jay?"

"C-spine is clear." Stated Ethan. He began feeling Jay's stomach, checking his arms, shoulders and lungs. "Just try to breathe man,
we got you. Can you tell me what hurts?"

"Knee, ankle. " jay responded breathlessly. At this point the entire CPD and CFD were standing in a large circle around Jay, ready to jump in.

"Damn you managed to dislocate both of them. We need to stabilize the leg and get him to med." explained Will looking at Brett and Dawson.

"I'll go get get the splint." Gabby quickly returned with the splint and an IV kit in her hand. "I also brought morphine figured he'd want some."

"Yeah I think that's a good idea. Can someone get me a line?" Asked Will looking down at the pained expression of Jay's face.

"I got it," replied Gabby cleaning of the crook of his elbow. "Little pinch Jay," she explained sliding the needle into his arm until she saw the little flash of blood. "Okay I'm in, pushing 5 of morphine."

After getting Jay's leg into the splint, Erin, Will Dawson and Brett rode with him to Chicago med to set both dislocations.

"Okay buddy on three." Before the count had even began Jay's swollen ankle was already back into place. The screams muffled by him biting onto his hospital gown. "Okay this one will hurt more but I gotta do it. " Will explained maneuvering Jay's painful knee back and forth causing him to scream out in agony.

The team and a couple members of the CFD were waiting at med to make sure Jay was okay. They could hear his cries from their places in the hospital waiting room.

"Annnnddddd" POP "there we go it's in. You'll need a cast and some crutches but you should be fine. You did good, sorry, I know it probably hurt like hell."

"Love you man,"

"Love you too baby bro"

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now