3x01 continuation part 2

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"He's got cattle prod burns covering the torso and back, an obvious concussion which we are watching closely, extreme dehydration. Which is one of our main concerns. The amount of time he spent without water has affected the organs, it's much more difficult for them to function. He's going to be really clammy and cold or the next couple hours. Most likely light headed  , sleepless. It won't be fun." Dr choi filled the team and Will in on Jay's condition.

"Oh my god. Is he going to be okay?" Adam asked looking directly at the dr.

"Yeah, he'll be in a lot of pain for a few hours but he should be fine. One more thing, Erin he's asking for you."

"Can I go?" Erin asked looking at Will.

"Yeah go ahead. I'm going to go back to his place and grab him some stuff." Will answered.

Erin was lead towards her partner. She opened the door and saw baby blue eyes looking up at her pale face. Bruises ate his features covering the visible skin with blotchy purple and blue spots. She walked over to the head of his bed and gave him a reassuring smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asked taking his sweaty hand into her own. "Dr choi filled me in on everything..." a single tear slipped down her face. "... I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you... I'm so, so sorry." She cried as his hand exited hers to wipe away the stray tears.

"Hey, I'm okay.. or at least I will be." He said sadly. He moved slightly to his left allowing just enough room for Erin to slip in. He patted the space beside him and lifted the many blankets he was stuffed under up, shivering as some heat was lost.

"He said you would be really cold?"

"He was right... I can't warm up." He explained rubbing his hands together  and blowing hot breath onto them. Erin removed her belt and sunglasses and crawled into the steamy bed beside him.

"It's boiling in here. How are you cold?" She asked feeling the damp warmth of the body beside her. "And you're sweating. Are you okay?" Erin wondered.

"I'm better now that you're here." He answered pulling her into himself and wrapping his weak arms around her. She snuggled into him rooting her head into the crook of his neck, smelling the sweat spilling out of him.  "Are you okay?" He asked through gritted teeth trying to mask the pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine but you're not." She responded "you're in pain."

"Just a little... okay... a lot but I'm okay." He explained. It was getting unbearable. He couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears streamed down his face as a strangled sob left his mouth. She snuggled in closer unwrapping her arms from his body and wiping away his tears. "Ow... Erin it hurts..."

"I know... I know. Just breathe Jay, I'm right here." He tried. He really did try to 'just breathe' but even that hurt. "Just a couple more hours and you'll feel better I promise." A couple more hours.

Nearly 20 more minutes had passed before Will finally returned. In one hand he had a large bag and in the other a medical tray.

"I brought you some stuff... but I also have to stitch you up and get those burns treated." Jay whimpered at the thought. He was snuggled into Erin's chest with his aching head placed underneath her chin. She kissed the top of his head lightly, then brushed the auburn hair out of his baby blue eyes. "I know man... I'll be quick about it." Jay nodded in response.

Erin exited the sauna like bed with his and her sweat in a concoction across her forehead. She took hold of his hand, kissing it lightly. Will pulled the blankets down, so that his baby brother was completely exposed, leaving him only in his boxers.

"What do you wanna do first? Stitches or burns?" Will asked calmly while washing his hands from the other side of the hospital room. "Stitches hurt less, but do you want to just get the burns done now? This way you won't have you stress about it. Also I think we can take out the femoral line. Only if I can get an IV in though."

"Oooo let's do that first. I don't know about you but I don't want any needles near my junk." Both Will and Erin gave a small chuckle though Jay refrained knowing it would cause him pain.

"Agreed!" Will said. He grabbed Jay's arm gently sighing at the red marks stretched across his brother's wrists. "Jay?" Will asked with a worried tone. Jay was staring at his wrists. The red marks slowly turning blue, where his wrists were tied. The memories flushed back into his head, the fear, the pain, everything. "Hey! You're safe now, we got you." Will tied a blue band over the crook of Jay's elbow. He pressed his fingers as gently as possible into the bruised space causing Jay to hiss with pain. "Sorry, little pinch." Will said sliding the needle into Jay's arm. "Okay I'm in, let's get the femoral line out." Glove covered hands pulled the leg of his boxers up. A click was heard and the torturous needle was finally out.

Stitches had been stitched and burns had been treated. Jay was laying comfortably in Erin's arms. The vanilla smell of her light perfume evading his nostrils.

"I'm coming back to the unit." She whispered earning her a toothy smile and a sudden kiss on the lips from who she didn't yet know was the love of her life.

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