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Promt by @Journalist15

Before I start you should know I have absolutely no clue how baseball works so this is my best attempt. Hope y'all like it!😘😘😘

"Finally we are going to this damn game!" Exclaimed Jay lugging his shoulder over that of his older redhead brother. They walked arm in arm towards the stadium and separated when they got to the booth to deposit their tickets. Finally after minutes, which felt like hours had passed they made it to their seats; seats that were awfully close to the field.

"Sorry I had to cancel one you last time, Nina and I needed some quality time!" Will smirked causing his younger brother to laugh, almost giggle in response.

"Yeah..." Jay managed to choke out between laughs. "... and how was that?" He finally said, his freckled face turning red with excitement.

"Let's leave the ladies out of this for today. This is brother bonding time!" Will explained sternly and eventually Jay managed to compose himself as the game started.

Speakers blew loud rock music into their ears and their heads automatically bopped to the beat. The classic ping of a ball hitting a bat was heard and off they went. Around to first, second, third... the ball still flew in the air above the brothers and their heads followed it. Closer and closer. Faster and faster.

Another ping. This time not ball against bat like the game intended. This time it was ball against skull. Jay's skull. His consciousness quickly faded and the red dirt covered ball fell into his lap as his blue eyes closed and so did the stadium.

"Come on Jay catch it catch it!" A familiar voice yelled though much higher then he was now used to. "It's not that hard, here I'll show you... dad pass the ball over here!" The same high pitched voice said. To Jay this memory seemed familiar, to familiar. The same clunk of a ball falling into a baseball mitt was heard and in almost flashes of déjà vu  Jay saw the younger face of his older brother. Now he remembered. This was when Will and his dad were trying to teach little Jay how to catch. "See..." will's high voice stated, dragging out the e sound. "It's not even that hard Jay you can do it too!" He yelled out encouragingly this time getting ready to toss the ball to Jay.

"Jay?" The same voice said this time sounding more familiar because of its now low tone. "Dude wake up... you're freaking me out. " Jay woke to this sound. He opened his blue eyes, squinting at the light evading them. He looked down to his lap and smiled at the ball in his hands just like the one him and his brother tossed around as little ones. "It'll leave you with an nice shiner!" Will said shaking the final remnants of unconsciousness from his brother. "Chicks dig bruises!"

"Oh yeah I though we were leaving the ladies out of this?" Jay teased and the two enjoyed the rest of the game in peaceful silence.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now