Promt// pretty much my own ideas! Part 1

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Promt by: @sasastyles and charlie_eliza

Will pounded on Jay's bathroom door impatiently, hearing the water turn off. His younger brother suddenly appeared in front of him, shirtless and still wet from the shower.

"Took you long enough!" Protested Will as Jay shuffled around him in an effort to get to his clothes. "You look like a zombie." Will stated obviously.

"Well two hours of sleep in two days will do that to ya." Jay spurted sarcastically at his red headed brother. Will's smile fell into concern, Jay had now realized what he had said and looked back almost apologetically. "Sorry man I'm just tired." He apologized and started getting dressed, pulling a navy blue t-shirt over his still wet brown hair. "Hurry up we have to go! I'll make coffee take your shower." Jay said jumping into his pants and smiling exhaustedly at his brother.

"Yeah make sure you make yourself an extra hundred cups or so," Will teased. "You seriously look like death itself." He joked this time stepping into the bathroom and locking the door.

After Will's shower he clothed himself and walked out towards his baby brother who still, despite the cup of coffee he was sipping on looked utterly miserable and exhausted. Will patted him on the back comfortingly moving his hand back and forth along the rigid musculature frame of Jay's back in an effort to bring some comfort to the tired being beside him.

"Yeah I know." He comforted with mouth Jay needing to tell him what was wrong. Something about being blood brothers made then understand each other without words needing to be said. "You sure you don't wanna call in sick or something?" He asked hoping Jay would just take a r and r day. But of course Jay responded by shaking his head no and placing the cup back at his lips, sipping the scolding liquid within it. "Okay we gotta go..." Will said, checking his watch with a distasteful look on his face. "Come on bud."

Jay followed Will to the car like a sloth, arching his tired muscles over each other so his posture looked like that of an old man. They hopped into the car and began driving away. Jay managed to down another cup of burnt coffee and finally was awake enough to form coherent conversation with.

Screeching breaks filled the air as they pulled into an intersection. A large truck blasted into their car hitting Will's side first and then knocking the car onto light pole. Both brothers lost consciousness within a few seconds. The blackness taking over as they faded away.


"Alright everyone!" Maggie yelled grabbing many of the doctors attention. "I've just gotten word that we have two ambos on route..." she paused thinking on how to best break the news she had just received in a calm manner. She only had a couple more minutes before the brothers, who had sustained massive injuries would be arriving. "About half an hour ago, on their way to work... Will and Jay were hit by a drunk driver... they're both unstable and will be here in..." Maggie checked her watch again. "Any minute now." Doctors looked at each other in shock as they began bustling in an almost frantic manner to get to the front doors where the brothers would be coming in. Both ambos pulled up to the front of the hospital. "Remember, they don't need friends right now they need doctors." Maggie finally said as the first doors from the first ambo where opened. Inside, a bloodied and bruised Jay who was barely concerned with his own safety.

"Will?" He screamed out as the stretcher he was on was pulled from the ambo with a thud. Both Natalie and Noah appeared above his frantic face, They stared from head to toe, removing his fresh clothes and examining him. Jay grabbed Natalie's hand with fear driven in his hold. "Where is Will?" He gasped as if struggling for breath.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now