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Promt by: one_chicago

Painful coughs took over Jay's body as he attempted to exit his bed. After sitting up for a second his body plopped back down and he coughed once more. He contemplated calling in sick. That was until he heard the familiar sound of his phone buzzing. They caught a case, he couldn't just call in sick, his team needed him.

With this newly found information he forced himself to slip from the confines of the warm covers and head to the shower. The scolding water cascaded over his chiseled body, turning his freckled skin into a nasty red shade. Jay sighed at the burning feeling, wishing he could simply stay there forever. But as soon as he was clean he turned off the water, shivering as he did. The cold hit him like a wave causing a sharp inhale which only forced him body to cough uncontrollably again.

Once his lungs calmed from the stain of the coughs he dried off, got dressed and fixed the auburn curls sitting a top his head. He made his way to the kitchen and stood at the island for a minute staring at the pantry and refrigerator. However the thought of food made him queasy and he opted to simply go to work without eating.

He arrived at the district and slowly concurred the short set of stairs on the way up to intelligence. He moved almost sloth like, slouching his shoulders, and letting out soft stifled coughs as his breathing rate increased from the stress of movement.

"You feeling okay Halstead?" Asked Voight noticing his exhausted looking detective. Not wanting to speak because he knew he would just start coughing again Kay nodded his head yes and plopped into his seat with an audible thud. The rest of the team looked at him questionably but disregarded everything when Voight started talking about the case.

After being caught up on the case Hailey decided that Jay would benefit from some coffee. She made him some of the scolding liquid and placed it in his desk with a smile as he looked up at her. She thought he looked like a child. His tired, innocent eyes looked up at her as he took the coffee. Satisfied, Hailey returned to her desk. Jay looked at hot cup in front of him for a minute, trying to decide if it was worth the risk of throwing up. He then noticed his whole team looking at him casually they wanted him to drink, he looked like he was about to pass out. In order to prove to them he was fine he sipped at the coffee, taking only a little into his mounts before he felt it. The urge, the sudden feeling of bile rising though there really wasn't anything in his stomach.

Jay stood up quickly and practically sprinted towards the washroom. He was followed by Antonio who was ready to jump in and help his best friend if he needed it. Though it felt a little awkward Antonio rubbed Jay's back as he threw up the final contents of his stomach.

"Dude you're definitely not fine, stop pretending you are." Antonio said as Jay attempted to catch his breath. "Come on, let's go lay down on the couch, take a nap and if you don't feel better after I'm telling Voight to send you home. Got it?" He announced helping Jay from his seated position and to the couch. Jay laid down and comfortably fell to sleep.

"Is he okay?" Asked Hailey.

"Yeah, he's just sick and stubborn. I told him to take a nap and if he's not better when he wakes up that he's gotta go home." Answered Antonio as the team including Voight nodded in agreement. "I'll call Will in an hour see if he'll come down, make sure he's okay."

"Sounds good." Voight answered. "Let's leave the man alone and get back to work." He said and the team finally shuffled out of the circle they were in and continued working on the case.

After nearly half an hour Jay rises feeling crappier then he had when he fell asleep. Will said he would come in about half an hour and Jay attempted to fall back asleep. Failing to sleep he tried to get to the bathroom in order to splash some cold water on his face. After the water he tried to exit but was spooked by Hank who was standing behind him. In his hand was a thermometer. Jay looked at him questionably.

"What's that for?" He asked, his voice raspy from coughing.

"If you have a fever I'm sending you home." Hank answered basically stuffing the thermometer into Jay's mouth. They stood there in awkward silence until it was broken by the sound of a couple quiet beeps. Hank took back the instrument from Jay's mouth without letting him see it first. "Go home kid." He said simply. Jay nodded in response and lugged his way to his car where Antonio was already in the drivers seat.

"What are you doing I can still drive?" Jay asked this time with a frustrated tone.

"I'm making sure you get home okay... you look like you're on deaths door you don't need a car crash too." Antonio answered calmly.

"Yeah okay." Jay replied not wanting to start an argument with his best friend. Once they arrived Jay scooted out of the car. "Hey thanks man... for everything."


Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now