Part two

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Conners feet sped towards the shrill beeping sound coming from Jay's room scaring him to a point that he was sprinting. He saw Noah pumping on Jay's chest in an effort to keep him alive.

"Hold compressions!" He yelled, pulling on a new pair of gloves as he raced to save Jay's life. His long fingers flung Jay's neck, placing them on, the room fell into an eerie silence, everyone unable to comprehend what would happen if Jay died in this ED. "Thank god... I have a pulse!" Exclaimed Conner, a collective sigh of relief was heard throughout the room. Conner thrust his knuckles up and down Jay's chest in an effort to wake him. "Come on buddy let's see those baby blues!" He said until finally the familiar blue eyes opened in confusion.

"Will? Where is Will?" He asked frantically, sitting up and immediately regretting it. He pulled his head back in pain and fell breathlessly against the bed.

"I'm about to go and check on him... but bud you gotta take it easy, try not to move for a little while." Conner said, placing a comforting hand on Jay's shoulder. "Is there anyone I should call?" He asked with a genuine smile. Jay shook his head no.

"He's the only family I got... don't you dare let him die!" Jay demanded breathlessly, groaning in pain

"I'll give you an update as soon as I'm done checking him out." Conner informed Jay and pulled off his fresh gloves, tossing them lightly into the basket for medical waste and heading in the direction of Will's room.

Ethan was continuing with the exams, checking everything from head to toe, making sure Will was okay. Will groaned awake, squinting to avoid the harsh lights that were shining brightly into his brown eyes.

"Welcome back buddy!" Ethan said. Will looked around the room almost franticly, as if looking for some sort of comfort. His hand laid helplessly on the table beside him. Ethan grabbed it after seeing his fear and squeezed reassuringly. "We've got you Will... I promise." Ethan said, receiving another squeeze in return. Once again Will screamed, this time quieter, more of a gasp then a scream but nonetheless the doctors around him could see the pain on his face. "I know... I know" Ethan reassured. Will tried to curl into a ball but failed and settled for wrapping his hand around his belly.

"Will what hurts bud?" Conner asked, placing an oxygen mask onto Will's face as he gasped. Once again the room filled with people, all of them ready to help their colleague. Will curled around his stomach in agony, huffing into the mask, making every painful breath he took visible to the doctors in the room. "Get me ultrasound!" Conner said, pulling the sheet on top of Will down so that it rested just above the v shape of his hips. The cold blue jelly used to glade the machine along the patient was squirted onto Will's belly, then the machine was put onto the jelly and allowed to glide freely. Conner pushed the machine into Will's stomach with angst filling his brain at the possibilities of what could be causing this pain.

"Damn it Will!" Ethan said, still squeezing his hand. "He's bleeding out internally!" Ethan yelled, yanking his large hand out of Will's and jumping in to help Conner.

"Looks like the appendix is bleeding..." Conner said with relief that it wasn't something more serious like his liver or heart. " ... let's get him to the OR!" He yelled, pulling the rails of the gurney up with a click and racing him towards the elevator towards the OR.

"Ja......y......" Will managed to choke out through gasps of pain.

"He's fine... let's just worry about you!" Conner answered, taking Will's sweaty hand in his. Will continued to gasp in pain but managed to stay conscious with some encouragement that he would be all fixed up in no time.

They arrived in the OR within only about a minute and Will was immediately taken to be prepped, mostly just sterilizing the area getting operated on. Conner walked into the room, getting gowned and gloved. "Buddy I need you to promise that you'll fight... not for me but your brother needs you around... I told him you'd make it so don't you dare die okay?" Conner threatened lightheartedly. Will nodded in response, still in to much pain to speak. "Okay... let's knock him out please." Conner asked politely, taking Will's hand once again as his eyes fluttered closed. "That's it bud go to sleep.. I'll be there when you wake up." We're the last words Will heard as he faded into the darkness.

The surgery went well, no problems. Now all Will had to do was wake up. The docs had moved him into an ICU room with his younger brother. With a heavy weight along his arm Will opened his big brown eyes, wincing slightly as he did so.

"Hey sleepyhead! " he heard a distant voice say.   "Come on babe wake up for me."

""Ow..." he said curling around his belly.

"Yeah it'll be like that for a while... Jay's here too!" Natalie's high voice said. "I'll give you two a minute." She said excusing herself from the room and wait in the hallway.

"I thought I lost you?" Jay sad sadly.

"You'll never lose me... sorry man you're stuck for life!" Will joked in response. The two fell into playful argue meant.

"Well now I know why Erin never let you drive." He joked, finally after nearly a day apart the brothers fell asleep together.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now