Out with a bang part two

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Jays POV
The elephant sitting on my chest won't seem to get off, even as I gasp for the breath that I can't quite get into my burning lungs. I can feel my broken body being dragged across the gravel scraping my arms and legs. At this point I couldn't care less about my arms or legs. All I want is to be able to breathe. Slowly I open my eyes squinting at the light that evades them. I still can't hear because of the ringing in my ears. Erin's tear stained face spears above mine and I instantly relax with her presence. Slender fingers slide underneath my vest. I notice Erin's face turn to horror when she pulls out a bloody hand. That's the last thing I see before darkness claims me and I lose consciousness.

Erin's POV
My small hands are covered in Jays blood as I stare down at him in shock. He still can't get any air in his lungs and by the sound of it he is about to stop trying.

Antonio appears beside me and immediately starts ripping off Jay's vest and then his shirt, revealing the gushing hole in the left side of his chest. Using the shirt Jay was wearing Antonio put pressure on the wound. The pain seems to wake Jay up as he begins to stir under the firm hands of Antonio. As his eyes slip open the faint sound of sirens bursts into our ears. The team collectively breathes a sigh of relief. Help is here.

To be continued

Let me know what you think. I love hearing what you think also any requests you might have just let me know and I will do my best.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now