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Promt by MultiFandoms_Writing

JPs large hands gripped at Jay's strong leg as it continued to press against his neck. Hitting, scratching and punching against his leg Jp was frantic about getting his little boy back into his safe custody, if that meant killing this cop then that's what he was going to do. But now darkness was taking over and Jp was barely hanging on to his consciousness. With one final attempt, Jp threw his hand up, striking the detective right between the legs and forcing a scream out of his mouth. With the split second if opportunity Jp sprung out of the torturous grasp the burly detective had on him and pointed the loaded gun into his face.

"Get up asshole!" Jp yelled as he brushed off his clothes which were covered in brown dust. Reluctantly, Jay stood from his seated position and performed the same motion, removing the haze on his clothes.

"I thought you didn't kill cops?" Jay asked slightly confused at the gun pointed directly in his face.

"Yeah well these idiots have my boy! He's more important to me then anyone else." Jp yelled, spitting slightly as he raised his normally quiet voice.

Thoughts of the pain and torture that were soon to come filled Jay's frantic mind. He did his best to keep calm under the barrel of a gun which was pointed at the side of his head but yet still struggled. The butt of the gun connected with his head and the world went foggy. Though he hadn't lost consciousness he really wished that he had, that would make this so much easier.

The sound of loud, screeching tires filled the area as the stones being rolled over screamed out. The engine of the car roared as it approached both Jay and Jp. Jay placed his hand on his forehead and wiped away a stray droplet of blood that seemed to find its way onto his face, likely from the gun's blow. He huffed at the stinging sensation he felt as he ran his hand through his auburn hair and pulled it away covered in a thin sheet of bright red blood.

"Where's my son?" Jp asked, his tone strong and demanding. The assailant said nothing, only nodding to the back of his car before opening the trunk, revealing his bruised and bloodied face. "Hey buddy!" Jp exclaimed, seeming overjoyed at the sight of his son... his still alive son. Jp helped his little boy out of the trunk.

Suddenly Jay felt a sharp stabbing pain in the back of his muscular neck. His zip tied hands reached for the source of the pain as he winced under the sharp stinging.

"You said you have him dilute maybe let's give him a bit more!" The nameless man said while pulling the needle out. Jay immediately felt the effects of the drug that had been stabbed in. He slurred his words.

"Erin?" He practically begged. The kidnapper laughed. He began trying to help a woozy Jay into the cars trunk.

Loud tires screeching against gravel were heard  and Jay sighed with relief when he recognized it. Erin, it was Erin. She sped towards them and jumped out of her car, followed closely by Hank who was holding the gun low in his hand. Two shots rang through the valley of dead plants as the assailant fell helplessly to the ground.

"Jay are you good?" Erin asked placing a caring hand in Jay's back and receiving a glare from Hank after showing any affection.

"Better with you here thanks for coming to get me!" He slurred back.

"Hey... that's why you have back up. Always."

Sorry if it sucked I didn't have a whole bunch of time to write... finals are coming up😅😅😅 anyways hope you guys liked it. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to let me know if you have any requests! Byeeeeeee😘😘😘

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now