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This is not an update but I just saw this and ugh I'm so freaking excited!!! More papa Halstead plus we get to find out more of the Halsteads past! I literally can't wait

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This is not an update but I just saw this and ugh I'm so freaking excited!!! More papa Halstead plus we get to find out more of the Halsteads past! I literally can't wait.

Tell me what you think about this because like none of my friends really watch any of the Chicago shows and I have no one to fangirl with.

The reason I haven't been updating is because I really have just ran out of ideas to write about so if you have one I'll write it for you but I can't think of any on my own and of course I would never want to steal someone else's.

Anywho that's all I have for now thanks for sticking with me through this all I love and appreciate all of you who comment and recommend and really anyone who has ever read this story. Thanks a bunch and have a wonderful day!😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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