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"Isn't it beautiful guys?" Asked Jay as the small plane that him Erin and Will were in flew peacefully along the horizon of the rising sun. The both of them nodded unable to speak looking out the window in awe at the astonishing beauty of northern Wisconsin from above. They had a pilot and Jay was co-pilot. Distracted from the bewildering sight both Jay and the pilot didn't notice the flashing red light to the right of Jay. That was until the plane started beeping, both engines failed, plummeting the small aircraft to the ground within a matter of seconds.

The front of the plane was torn from the back. Jay and the pilot were flung out of the front of the plane, both landing on the ground bellow. Erin and Will however remained strapped into their seats both momentarily slipping into unconsciousness.

Will's POV

I am the first to wake, slipping my heavy eyes open they shift to Erin who laid with her body in an awkward position and head lulling back and forth between her shoulder blades. I quickly undo my seatbelt and rush over to her though she is only about a step away. I lift her head into a more comfortable position as she begins to open her eyes.

Erin's POV

My eyes squint at the bright lights that enters them. Noticing that Will is standing over me I force them to open all the way giving him a reassuring smile as the bright light evades my tired eyes. In this moment it all comes back to me. The beauty, the beeping, the crash. The part of the plane that Will and I are in seems to have torn. Where the hell is Jay?  

"Can you walk? We need to find them." I nod my aching head in response unclamping my seatbelt and standing on shaky legs. We slowly walk out of our part of the aircraft and after receiving a look over from Will we both go look for the other two people on the plane.

I see a shoe. His shoe. The ones he kicks off as quickly as possible when we get home. Then I see him.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now