S,P, A or, G

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"This doesn't seem like official enough." Jay said nervously, folding his arms protectively over his chest.

"Okay, but where do you want it?" Erin asked sarcastically already knowing where she was going to taze him.

"Shoulders." Jay responded quickly unfolding his arms and trying to remain as cool as he could.

"G" hollered Antonio

"G" said Kevin.

"Don't you dare!" Jay said exasperated. Erin bit her tongue with excitement smiling up at him. "Erin, I swear to god." He yelled as the taser connected with his inner thigh causing him to yell out in pain. He immediately fell to the ground clutching his manhood protectively. The team laughed in his direction, amused my his pain and discomfort. Erin handed the taser back to the taser certification teacher as she squatted down to Jay's position on the floor.

"I'm sorry, but how about you get up and I will get you some ice?" She asked politely grabbing one of his hands and aiding him with standing on shaky legs. He wobbled slightly as he stood. The rest of the team was barely able to staunch their laughter. He managed to stumble back to his desk and planted himself on top of it while Erin ran to the locker room to grab him the ice he deserved.

Minutes later she returned, ice in hand. She sat beside him and helped press the large bag of ice over the injured area. She truly did feel bad.  Erin rubbed gentle curled on his back as his breathing calmed down. Kevin went next falling to the ground with a loud thump.

"You're up lady." The certification man said.

"Oh I think we've seen enough." Erin answered knowing that Jay was already having fun with the idea by the stifled smile he was trying so hard to hide.

"The X26 does not discriminate by gender, march it over here." The gentle man responded as Jay wrapped his arm around hers and escorted her towards the middle of the room.

"Payback time!" He exclaimed, pulling her a little more then necessary.

"Huh?" She answered.

"But... where do you want it?"

Aaa please don't hate me. I know it's been forever since I updated this. And yes I know it's short. I'm just busy. I'm sorry, kill me now. Jk jk please don't. Okay that's all I got hate a wonderful day, night, whenever. Lots of love~your girl Nat.😘😘😘

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now