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This is based off the episode when the cancer fundraiser was bombed and Erin had a knife held to her throat. Hope ya like it! Based off a promt by: MultiFandoms_Writing

"Put it down and we can talk it out." Hank said as calmly as he could. Jay approached from behind, his strong legs squaring down so that the man that was holding a knife to Erin's threat wouldn't see him.

"No. I'm walking out of here." The man responded hastily, pressing the knife harder against her neck, a single droplet of blood leaking out as he did. She winced in pain, it burned. A couple more steps, a couple more steps and Jay would be able to get this man off her, away from his beautiful partner. The partner he wasn't yet able to say I love you to, though he really wanted to. Three more steps. Two more steps. Almost there.

"No. Get the hell away from me!" The man said. Erin used this to her advantage and elbowed the man in the stomach, sending flying into Jay. Jay was knocked back, his head hitting the floor with a thud. The man raised the knife above his head as officers rushed towards him. His raised hand plummeted into Jay's stomach, then chest, and then once more in the inner thigh. This only took about three seconds, three seconds was how long it took for the rest of the cops surrounding them to pull the man off of Jay. Three seconds.

His hands flew to his chest, the same chest that was gasping in pain at the three stab wounds that had just inflicted themselves onto his perfectly sculpted body.

"We need a doctor over here!" Antonio yelled, watching as the man was whisked away by Alvin and Hank. He turned his attention to Jay, who now had Erin leaning over him, her hands holding as much pressure as they could. Antonio flew to the spot beside Erin and pressed into Jay's stomach, covering the gaping hole that had ripped it open. A white coat swung past then and crouched down the Jay's position on the floor. The same floor that now had blood coating its surface, turning the barren white hallways into a blood Red Sea.

"Ow" Jay managed to push out through gasps for air. Erin saw the blood on the ground and pressed harder onto his thigh causing a scream to fly out of his mouth.

"I know... I know" Erin cried, now unable to control her emotions. Jay huffed in agony once more before medical supplies were brought towards him and his clothes were cut off, revealing the mess underneath them.

"I need gauze!" The doctor demanded, the urgency in his voice making everyone move even faster. A nurse who had just appeared handed him the white material and helped press it onto the bleeding wounds.  Okay, looks like his lung is about to collapse,  I need an
x-ray to be sure though!" 

"We can try and get x-ray here, because of the bombing there are no more rooms available to treat him in." The nurse explained, still handing gauze to the doctor.

"Well we don't have much of a choice at this point." Everything seemed to move quickly, the bustle of medical professionals, the tears streaming down Erin's face. The sound of the x-ray whirred in the echoey halls. "Yup, just as I thought, the knife seemed to puncture the lung which made it collapse. We need to get a chest tube in now!"

"On it, setting up for a chest tube." The nurse beside him said, her calm voice bringing even a fraction of peace the the worried individuals around him. "I need someone to hold his hand above his head?" She asked. Antonio immediately dropped to the ground and pulled Jay's left hand above his head, tight but gentle. Erin also sank to the ground, grabbing his other hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"You got this." She simply said. He squeezed in return and flashed her what she could swear was a smile. "I'm right here, just squeeze when you need to." Erin explained. She had heard it before. You don't realize how much you need someone until they're threatened to be taken away.

Jay didn't have much energy left. He focused on breathing, slow and steady, deep easy breaths. The chest tube wasn't difficult to put in, of course the numbing shot helped quite a bit as well. Jay was put onto a stretcher and hauled off to the OR. One of the surgeons had just finished and now there was an OR available to treat the injured detective.

Several hours had passed and once the bombers had been caught and the second bomb had been unarmed the unit waited nervously in the waiting room for news on Jay. When the doctor walked through the doors, blood stained on his white coat the teams hearts dropped.

"That man is way to damn stubborn to die." He laughed and the teams eyes lifted from their glued position on the floor.

"He's okay?" Erin asked, the hope and joy in her eyes unmistakable, it was love.

"We lost him twice, even I didn't think he was going to pull through. It never ceases to amaze me what the human body can withstand."

The doctor took his time explaining all the injuries Jay had sustained.

"Can we go see him?" Erin asked.

"Of course, come with me." The doctor explained, walking briskly towards Jay's room. The doctor checked all Jay vitals and then left to check other patients.

Jay opened his eyes and winced at the pain that filled his head once he did.

"Hey." Erin peaked her head up from its resting place on the bed beside Jay's hand. "How are you feeling!"

"Like I got stabbed three times!" He joked, the tiredness in his eyes not going unnoticed by Erin.

"Yeah I'm sorry I just had to get that guy off of me, if I knew what he going to do I ... wouldn't... have..."

"Hey, don't apologize, that's why you have backup."

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now