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The entire intelligence team was seated in their cars, apart from Erin and Jay. The pair walked towards a door of a known criminal in hopes of asking him some questions.

"I'm just saying handcuffs might be fun you're such a traditionalist Jay, have a little fun." Erin said. She had tried to bring them out the previous night but Jay immediately said no to the new idea, saying it was 'too weird'.

"You two do know that we can hear you right.?" Asked Antonio through the mic. Both pairs of eyes immediately widened completely forgetting that they were on a sting.

"Shit sorry guys," she responded hoping to god that Hank wasn't listening.

"I'm slightly disturbed," commented Adam. A distasteful look spread into his pale face.

"You've never tried it?" Asked Hank very out of character. The entire team looked back at him. "My advice Halstead, don't deny Erin what she wants. Somehow she'll get it, whether from you or someone else."

"Okay that is enough," yelled Jay feeling very awkward. The whole team laughed at his discomfort.

After the knock and talk with the offender everyone got to go home.

*The next day

Erin and Jay walked into the 21st with satisfied looked plastered onto their faces. Before they could even say hello Adam and Antonio pushed them against the wall much to their surprise. At this point even Hank had poked his head out of his office to see what all the commotion was about. Antonio grabbed Jay's jacket and pulled the wrist down seeing nothing and letting him go. Erin's cheeks began to blush as Ruzek did the same to her and saw a red mark dragging across her wrist.

"Looks like you two had fun last night," said Ruzek

"For the first time I actually listened to Hank, I should do that more often." Responded Jay earning a chuckle from Erin.

"Yes you should," she responded causing the rest of the team to groan in disgust.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now