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Promt by @sasastyles

Cold winter air hit Jay's face as he dashed after the assailant. His feet slipped against the snow in the mad race against him. His team followed quickly behind him, though his pace was much quicker then theirs. Jay chased the man the edge of the Chicago river bridge.

"Stop! You have nowhere to go." Jay snarled, hoping his forceful tone would bring the criminal down from the ledge. The man's eyes bugged out of his skull. He looked between Jay and the water frantically, as if deciding which was easier, to be arrested or to jump? His wild eyes stared into Jay's as the team finally caught up. Now only a few feet away with their guns all aiming at the overwhelmed man's head. In a frantic effort to escape his feet carried him off the ledge, into the icy water below. With the same frantic manner Jay leaped off the ledge and into the same freezing water.

"Jay!" Erin called after him as the entire team watched him take one final breath before going under water. "Call it in!" She yelled. "JAY!" She once again screamed out his name. His head had yet to surface and it had been nearly a minute. She shivered as more cold wind blew against her face. Her cheeks a brighter shade of red, she licked her dry lips against the cold. As she did so the faint echo of fire and rescue trucks filled the air. The sirens got closer and closer until firemen surrounded the worried team, who were still searching for Jay.

"What happened?" Asked a curious Kelly Severide. His blue eyes stared down at Erin nervously as she twitched away from him with tear filled eyes.

"Jay was chasing a perp and they ended up in the water!" Responded Erin frantically. "It's been three minutes already, he's running out of time."

"Alright, squad lets go get their boy!" Kelly yelled, making sure it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Each member put their special gear on within a matter of only seconds. They rappelled down the side of the bridge and plunged into the frozen water. Another minute passed.

"Where is he?!" Hank said worriedly, checking his watch for the hundredth time in the past three minutes. Suddenly, finally Kelly's head appeared above the surface of the water. Bobbing up and down beside it was the bluest face. Jay's face. It was blue.

"Oh dear god!" Erin said barely above a whisper as she watched Jay's lifeless form being dragged out of the river. "Jay? Jay?! Is he okay?" She continued to ask until familiar hands wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her farther away from Jay.

"Let them work." Hank said calmly, pulling Erin into a comforting hug and then placing a kiss on her forehead.

"He's barely breathing we need to heat him up!" Gabby announced.

"How can we help?" Adam and Antonio asked at the same time.

"Go back to the rig, find as many blankets and heat packs as you can find and bring them here!" She told them. Within less then a second both men were sprinting towards the ambo in order to get the supplies requested.

"Let's cut these wet clothes off of him, now everyone!" Brett yelled, Gabby handing her a pair of scissors. His clothes were being cut off, the snipping sound was the only sound around them. It was eerily quiet as they waited for Kay to be okay again. The soaking wet garments were tossed to the side. Jay laid helplessly on the ground, now only in his boxers, barely breathing and struggling for air. "Stella can you get an IV into his arm please?"

"Of course I'm on it!" Stella answered. She took Jay's limp arm into her lap and wiped the area clean with an alcohol swab. In the quiet silence of the surrounding air you could even hear Stella take the cap off the needle and then sliding it into him arm. "IVs in!" She exclaimed, proud of herself for completing the small task.

"Okay that's good now hook him up to warm fluids." Demanded Gabby in her usual bossy tone. "Let's get those heat pads on his neck, armpits and groin, that will warm him up the fastest!" She announced, grabbing one of the heat packs that her brother and his partner for the day had retrieved. "I also need blankets!" She said, some blankets being tossed her way.

"Come on Jay, don't be stubborn and just wake up already!" Erin yelled, now standing only a few feet from Jay, who was starting to pink up again. His pale skin went from blue to healthy colour in a matter of minutes.

"Erin come here he's waking up!" Brett yelled, waving a cone here to Erin. Erin picked Jay's icy hand up off the ground and into her own.

"Come on babe lets see those eyes!" Erin said softy, stroking the dripping hair from Jay's face and away from his eyes. "Jay?" That was all it took to make the familiar blue eyes open up and greet her. "There you are!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"What the hell happened?" Jay asked, a shiver sent down his spine as he spoke.

"You jumped after a perp and into the water. The ice cold water!" She yelled, slapping him playfully in the shoulder. "Wow you are really cold right now!" Erin stated as she kissed his forehead gently.

"Actually babe... I'm smoking hot!"

So somebody asked for a part two for my last one shot. That is coming soon I just already had this one done and wanted to share with you. As always have a great day// night and I love when you comment so let me know what you think of this one???😘😘😘

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