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Jay wasn't scared of much. he could handle the bullets, the constant risk of the job, but there was one thing that he was truly terrified of: the dentist. Today was the day he had been dreading. today he was having his wisdom teeth pulled.

"Jay calm down it's going to be fine," said Erin placing her small hand over his as they were driven in a cab to the dentist's office. He was visibly nervous, the sweating and slight shaking giving it away.

The couple arrived at the clinic hand in hand, walking through the doors and smelling the all too familiar dentist office smell. Jay was taken back but before his teeth were removed he needed to be knocked out. A large mask was placed onto his face as he drifted into oblivion.

"Ma'am your boyfriend is awake if you could just follow me." a kind nurse said guiding Erin towards Jay's  room. She walked in to see a very high Jay staring at his hand curiously.

"I have a lot of scars," he announced presenting his hand for Erin to look at. she examined the hand an gave a chuckle to Jay who was obviously very high.

"Yup you were a soldier that's where all the scars are from," she said smiling and giving his arm back to him. "How are you feeling?" she asked at the pained expression on his pale face.

"Like I'm flying on a cloud," he slurred in response. He began tapping at his face and tears streamed from his face as he did.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"They took out my mouth," he explained through tears. Erin wiped the flood of tears away and simply couldn't hold back her laughter anymore. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing you just have a lot of drugs in your system,"

"I like these drugs, we should try these more often," again Erin could hold back the flood of laughter that consumed her. "You're really pretty we should get married,"

"Maybe ask me again when you're not so high," she said rubbing his shoulder.

The nurse returned with his discharge papers and the pair waited for Hank and Antonio to come get them. It was supposed to just be Antonio but he hurt his wrist in the field so Voight came to help. Though Antonio didn't need to come he could miss out on seeing Jay so high.

The car arrived and Erin was attempting to get Jay into the car but he wouldn't budge.

"Jay help me out here,"

"No they are trying to kidnap us, we need to call the cops, CALL THE PO...LICE," he screamed at the top of his lungs causing each member around him to burst into laughter. Even Hank couldn't keep his tough façade.

"Come on Jay let's get you into the car so we can get you home." Antonio said calmly after laughing for about a minute.

"Okay big man," he responded seeming to forget about the kidnapping incident. Jay got into the car and rolled down the window as they drove away. "BYEEEEE DENTIST, THANKS FOR TAKING MY WISDOM AWAY," he hollered out the window. Again the laughter filled the car as he continued to wave out the window. At last they finally arrived at the apartment building. It took both Antonio and Hank to get him to the elevator.

"Go lay down baby you'll feel better." Jay agreed but only if she came with him. He laid down on the couch while Erin changed. She walked out wearing shorts that were to short for Hanks liking and one of Jay's t-shirts. The game was on though nobody was really watching. Erin sat down by his head and propped it onto her lap. Jay quickly fell asleep under the gentle caressing of his girlfriend's hand. While the others watched the game in silence.

"He looks like a baby when he sleeps, don't you think?" Asked Erin breaking the quiet.

"I don't really watch Halstead sleep enough to think like that. It's not like I sleep beside him." Replied Hank.

"Yeah well I do and I think it's cute." She responded brushing the auburn hair from his face. She couldn't love him more. If she did her heart might burst.

"Look he's rooting just like a baby too," joked Antonio as Jay began to squirm in discomfort under Erin's fingers.

"Ow" was all he said before his blue/green eyes slipped open revealing the small gathering of people in his apartment. He stood up quickly and ran into the bedroom. Followed by Erin he closed the door.

He changed into sweats and the pair walked back towards Hank and Antonio, Jay with no shirt on. Erin went to the kitchen to grab an ice pack. She sat down and put the ice pack onto her bare legs, immediately feeling the numbness. Jay was seated beside her. She grabbed his hand and pulled his body to lay down on the couch. His face fell onto her legs and onto the ice pack. He sighed with relief as the cold subsided the pain in his jaw.

"You okay kid?" Asked Hank genuinely. Jay didn't respond giving only a moan in response. "Gotcha"

"Okay you two can go now, he's not high anymore there's nothing more to see. Now if I know him, and I do he's going to be really grumpy and you two are no help so you can go." She demanded.

"I know a way you could make me feel better." Jay said obviously still a bit high.

"It's the drugs talking," she said giggling at his bummed expression.

"Either way I think that's our cue to leave," Hank said. Jay's hand was lingering on her inner thigh. The two other men could see it plain and simple. "Watch it Halstead," said Hank before leaving the apartment followed closely by Antonio.

"Come here," she said pulling his face up to be eye to eye.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously

"Making you feel better."

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now