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"Good morning beautiful," Jay yawned taking his heavy arm and laying it across Erin's flat stomach causing her to groan in pain. She used her strong but slender arms to push the heavy weighting arm off her torso. "You okay babe?" He asked looking at her pained expression.

"I'm fine." She replied in an angry tone huffing as she exited their plush bed. He looked at her sadly wondering if he had done something wrong. "It's just cramps. They've never been this bad." She admitted holding her stomach.

"Stay here." He said jumping out of the warmth and dashing towards their kitchen. He returned shortly after holding a cup of water along with some ibuprofen in one hand and a heating pad in the other. "Take the meds, lay down I'll worry about breakfast. Okay? Just relax."

"You're amazing."

"Oh yeah."

The pair ate the delicious eggs and toast that Jay had managed to not burn completely. Though Erin barely ate. He decided it might be in his best interest if he didn't push her today.

"Jay, Erin I need you two to follow a lead." Hank demanded as soon as the couple walked up the stairs.

"Wow... good morning to you too Hank." Erin said rolling her eyes as she did so.

"You know what I'll go with Antonio, we need to catch up anyways." Jay explained smiling nervously and looking between Hank who looked rather confused and Erin who really just looked pissed.

"Yeah whatever..."

The two men rode in the car in silence. It needed to be broken so Antonio decided he lost his patience for Jay to speak on his own and did it for him.

"What's wrong with Erin? What did you do to piss her off.?" He asked looking up from the wheel. At this point Jay always rode shotgun.

"I didn't do anything."

"Then why was she so pissed this morning. Look I've lived with woman my whole life something is wrong."

"I didn't do anything,". The argument was broken by the ringing of Jay's phone. It was Hank.

"Halstead you need to get your ass back to the district."

"On my way,"

The pair arrived back at the district within minutes. Jay bolted up the stairs to see his perfect girlfriend curled into a ball leaning against the wall. Tears fell down her pale face. Jay glared at the rest of the men to leave though Hank stayed and watched from the corner.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked wiping the tears from her face with the pad of his thumb.

"It hurts Jay," she answered clutching her stomach.

"Okay come on let's get you home." He said lifting her off the ground bridal style her face snuggling into the crook of his neck. "I bought ice cream and chocolate. Just for you baby," he said as they made their way down to the car.

"Both really?"

"Yup, its cause I love you."

Love you too  Jay," she glowed answering her favourite statement.

"You know I can think of an activity that will make sure that you won't have to do this again next month." He smiled.

"No way in hell Halstead, maybe in your dreams..."

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now