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Promt by- one_chicago

Erin woke to the sound of gagging and quickly raced to the bathroom. She found Jay hunched over a toilet dry heaving and waving for her to get out.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked squatting down to his level on the cold bathroom floor. She began to rub his bare back easing the heaving and allowing him to catch his breath.

"Just a stomach ache, little nauseous, I kinda feel like a pregnant lady but I don't think that's the problem." He responded sarcastically immediately throwing up after the fact. She rubbed his back once more as the final contents of his stomach left his body.

"Okay, I'm calling Hank and Will." She told him standing to grab her phone from the night stand.

She called both men. Hank told her that they both had the day off and Will said he would be at their apartment in a couple minutes.

"Come on let's get you to bed," she said helping Jay to stand up.

"I know I'm a catch and everything but maybe we should take the day off." He joked. His light chuckle brought a wave of pain nearly making him fall back onto the ground.

"Yeah okay stud, whatever you need to tell yourself." She joked in response while helping him towards the bed.

A knock on the door was heard and Erin quickly ran towards the sound, unlocking the door and letting Will in.

"Where is he?" Asked Will getting directed towards the bedroom. "Hey man, what's wrong?"

"Just a stomachache don't know why she called you." He said clutching his belly and grinding his teeth. Erin rolled her eyes at the constant stubbornness that Jay conveyed.

"Okay but since I'm here I'm going to check you out anyways. " Will explained grabbing Jay's shoulder and guiding him to lay onto his back. Firm fingers pressed against his stomach starting for the top of his chiseled abs and then finding their way to the bottom of his belly near his manhood. Will pressed low and to the left causing Jay to cry out.

"Ow!" He cried as Erin reassuringly grabbed his significantly larger hand and placed it into hers.

"We have got to get to med. Dude you've got appendicitis," he finished and helped Jay up.

The trio made their way to Chicago med and Jay was immediately rushed off to surgery. The entire team including Hank made their way down to the hospital. Dr. Rhodes walked into the waiting room and explained what was going on.

"Surgery went great, he handled it like a champ."

"Can we see him?" Asked Erin.

"Yeah but their is one more thing you should know. Jay is having a reaction with all the morphine we gave him."

The whole team began to chuckle at the thought of a very high Jay.

"Let's just say he's very sensitive right now so tread carefully." He explained leading them towards Jay's room. The door was opened revealing Jay with a goofy smile plastered onto his face.

"How are you feeling baby?" Erin asked entering the room first.

"I'm not a baby, I'm a man. You need proof woman?" Jay said flinging the blanket off. Erin realized what he was trying to prove.

"No, Jay I believe you. No need for proof."

"You're very pretty." He said smiling at Erin. He then looked at the men standing beside Erin. "You guys not so much. Can't a man get a bit of time alone with such a pretty lady?" He asked tearing up a little as he did.

"Okay you're very high," said Erin stroking his forehead.

"High on love," he responded as Will pressed the button for morphine and Jay fell into a dreamless sleep.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now