Sick part 2

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As quickly as possible Will set up everything he needed for the procedure he was about to perform on his brother. Jay already had tears in his blue eyes that he knew would fall as soon as Will poked the needle into his spine.

Jay flinched away as Will touched his freckled back. "It's just antiseptic, take a breath buddy." Jay did as he was told and let Will clean the area that was about to be violated. Once the antiseptic had turned Jay's pale back into a dirty yellow colour Will instructed Jay to bring his knees to his chest and try to relax. Erin grabbed both of Jay's shaking hands and told him to squeeze if he needed to.

"Okay buddy, this is probably going to hurt but I'm going to go as quick as I can K?" Will asked even though had to say yes to him. Jay took one more shaky breath and nodded. He felt his brothers gentle fingers go down his spine counting until he found the correct bone.

"Sorry buddy," was all Will said before plunging the enormous needle into his brothers fragile frame. Jay squeezed Erin's hands almost breaking them as he let out a soft cry. Erin rubbed his sore scalp as Will continued with the intrusion.

"Almost done Jay just need to get to the right place... and ah there we go" Will exclaimed proudly as he placed a vial under the needle. It was followed by a drip... drip. And then Will said he was going to take out the needle. Jay sighed with relief the second it was over and joyously rolled over onto his back.

The joy was short lived as now it was Erin's turn. Jay crawled from the bed as Will changed his gloves and handed the clear liquid from Jay's spine off to a nurse. Just like Jay Erin flinched when Will touched her. "I'm just cleaning take a breath. I know it's probably more scary to go second after seeing it done to him but we both know how dramatic he can get." Will said with a chuckle as Erin was eased back onto the bed by Jay who was scowling at his brother.

"Okay Erin you know the drill knees to chest and just try to relax." Will said as she did her best to follow his second order. Erin reached out for Jay's hands and he gladly gave them to her. He wiped away the stray tear dragging down her cheek as Will felt down her significantly smaller spine. "Here we go" Erin took in a deep breath and let it out with a sob as she felt the needle enter her back. She held onto Jay's hands as tightly as she could not realizing how much longer this spinal tap was taking compared to Jay's.

"What the hell in taking so long ?" Demanded Jay as Erin's sobs continued. Will instantly removed the needle when Erin' s heart rated jumped to a dangerous level. She was scared and so was Will.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now