A pain in the ass

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Nobody's POV

Halstead was on the left of Erin who was in between him and a wall. They heard two shots at a warehouse while driving on patrol and decided to go in without backup. The two rounded the corner on the building just as backup arrived.

"3-2-1 breach" said the commanding officer as Jay and another patrolman kicked down the doors. They entered guns raised as shots started to go off. Jay felt a sharp pain come from behind him before a bullet hit his chest and he fell helplessly to the ground.

"Jay!" Erin screamed grabbing the top of his vest and pulling him behind a metal table. She slipped her dainty hands under his vest relived to be pulling out a clean hand. She sighed with relief because Jay had been shot in the vest and he would be fine once he caught his breath.

Fortunately she noticed the blood pooling underneath her muscular boyfriend. She grabbed his legs, arms, looked at his shoulders and found nothing. Jay still couldn't speak because the pain from the bullet to the vest was wracking his body rendering his voice useless.

"10-1 10-1 my partner is down requesting an immediate ambo to my location"

"Copy 10-1 ambo is on the way"

Jay finally managed to catch his breath as Erin looked down at him and then at the rest of his body still searching for the bullet hole. 

"I got shot in the ass. Erin the bullet's in my butt." He said laying his head back in pain.

"Oh, that's why I couldn't find it. Roll over." He complied shyly taking in a big breath as she applied pressure to the wound. "Sorry babe butt I don't want you to bleed out." She said making sure to pop the t on but so he got the pun.

"Haha, very funny Lindsay" he said hearing the ambo roll up.

The paramedics had to cut his pants and a part of his favourite blue boxers off before treating him Erin simply laughed at his winces of pain while holding his sweaty hand as he got patched up.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now