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The team was chasing a perp down an ally when Jay fell onto his back injuring himself after slipping on some black ice. He had hit his head so hard that his consciousness had disappeared within seconds. He had a c-collar placed across his neck and was loaded into the back of an ambo, Erin climbing in beside him.
Upon their arrival Jay was rushed into treatment 4.

"Let's get a full body scan." Demanded Rhodes.

*An hour later

Jay was still unconscious but was now resting in the ICU comfortably. Rhodes walked into the room and was greeted by the entire intelligence team along with Will who had his hand glued to the bruised and casted arm of his brother.

"So the good news is he's going to be fine, broken wrist and some scratches along with a concussion." Explained Rhodes to the whole team.

"... and the bad news?" Asked Hank showing concern for his detective.

"Well we found multiple previously broken bones, cuts, dislocated shoulders and elbows." Stated Rhodes looking up sadly.

"Yeah well he's a soldier so that's not that weird." Explained Voight

"That's what I thought but when I looked back at the scans I noticed that the old fractures were quite light meaning they were really old fractures. Some of the oldest dates back to when he was only three years old."

"I remember when he was three, couldn't even walk straight and when my dad would watch him he would always end up hurt, he's always been a clutz even when he was little I wouldn't worry about it." Explained Will squeezing Jay's hand hoping for a reply, frowning when he didn't receive one.

Rhodes sighed knowing that the news he was about to deliver would come as a shock to everyone.

"When we did the full body scan we noticed something strange in the pelvis so we took an individual scan of it. We found hundreds of micro fractures as well as larger ones from when he was younger, the bones are much more fragile then." Explain Rhodes placing a couple of x-rays onto the lighted screens behind them.

"That's kind of a weird place to have so many fractures?" Asked Erin still not catching on. Neither were any of Halstead's teammates.

"They date back to when he was about three, same as the other injuries. The only way he could have gotten these injuries is from somebody grabbing him from behind and crashing into him over long periods of time. In order to create so many fractures especially from when he was so little this happened at least once every couple of days." The sorry look appeared onto his face again as he looked at the still confused looks on the other's faces. "That's not all. We also found tears in the muscles of his jaw. This only happens when the mouth is forced to stay open for long periods of time causing the muscles to tear. Usually happens in children because they are not able to open their mouths as wide." The team had finally put two and two together realizing what doctor Rhodes was saying.

All eyes were on Will. Waiting for him to explain. Dr Rhodes cut in and finished the thought for them.

"All of these point to years of sexual abuse and molestation." He finished sadly leaving the room for a moment to check on other patients.

"I swear I didn't know." Said Will breaking the silence. "It couldn't have been my dad I mean nothing happened to me. If it was my dad it wouldn't have just been him, right?" Begged a now frantic Will trying to figure out who could have done this to his baby brother.

"Unfortunately with cases of sexual abuse of a child the parent usually picks only one victim" responded Voight as tears began streaming down Wills face. How could he not know that this was happening to his brother? They had been together since the day Jay was born and Will didn't see what was going on.

Will was pulled from his thoughts by the gentle movement of Jay's weak hand under his own.

"Jay? You with us?" Asked Will as the familiar baby blues opened, much to his delight. Jay looked past his brother's head seeing the scans of his hips and knowing that now everyone he respected now knew his traumatic past.

"Take them down." Jay said as his eyes fell to his lap and his fingers played with each other creating distraction from the pain of his past. The whole team simply looked at him in shock taking in the fact that this really did happen to their brave teammate. "WILL, TAKE THEM DOWN," screamed Jay as his pulse and blood pressure skyrocketed. Jay began to hyperventilate as Will went to give him his embrace to calm down his terrified brother. Jay pushed him off looking more scared then ever. The whole team looked at Erin knowing that not only were they dating but that Jay wasn't going to let any other man near him. She stood up and climbed onto the bed with him wrapping her small arms around his torso feeling his rapid pulse underneath her embrace.

"Shh..shh...shh, Jay calm down it's okay I got you." She said barely loud enough for the others to hear. Her words simply wouldn't calm him down and Will began filling a needle up with a sedative to calm Jay down. Will waited a second seeing that Jay was beginning to calm under Erin's protective hold. Will however knew that Jay needed to recover and decided to give him the sedative anyways. However when he approached Jay he started to freak out again really not trusting any man that was in the room. He knew that Will would never hurt him but at this point the only person he trusted was Erin.

"Erin you've got to give it to him." Stated Will sliding the small tray to Erin. Jay was finally relaxed enough that he wasn't freaking out underneath Erin's hold. She put on the pair of blue gloves and wiped his sweaty arm clean with the antiseptic.

"Just relax babe you'll feel better in a minute." She explained sliding the needle into his arm. She pushed the meds in and after about a minute Jay was almost out. She climbed off the bed and gave a now calm Jay a light kiss on the forehead. "Who did this babe? Who hurt you?" She asked.

"My dad." That was the last thing Jay said before the medicine took effect and he slipped into unconsciousness.

Sorry this was so long but I always thought that Jay had a bad relationship with his father. I think I read a fic similar to this a while back but I can't find it for the life of me. Anyways I hoped you liked it! Let me know what you thought cause I usually don't write stuff like this and it was a little out of my comfort zone so let me know.😘😘😘thanks for reading.

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