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Promt by charlie_eliza

Bullets cascaded around Jay and the team in a raging haze. He could feel each powerful whoosh so incredibly close to his skin. Jay was wearing the protective vest which covered his chest and protected his major internal organs.

Bang. Bang. Two single shots. One fired from Jay's gun and the other from the offender's. Jay's bullet landed right under the mans belly button and the injured idiot fell to the ground in agony. Luckily Jay was wearing a vest so when the offenders bullet hit him in the chest he was only knocked back and thrown to the ground, hitting his head as he did so. His eyes worked ever so hard to stay open, though they struggled a great deal. He saw Hank's face appear above him and then the loud sound of Hailey ripping his vest off trying to see if the bullet had been caught in the bulletproof material or if it ended up in his chiseled chest.

She slipped her hand awkwardly under his shirt, hesitating for a minute to make sure Jay was okay with her hand there. But really she didn't care, her partner could be hurt, she needed to make sure he was okay! "Okay bud..." she said pulling a clean hand out from under his shirt. "No blood, the vest caught it."

"Good, good. You alright man?" Hank asked as Jay worked on his breathing. In out. In out. Though it hurt he did his best no to show it. He had to be tough here this was work and he wouldn't risk his manly facade. "Jay?"

"Yeah I'm good!" He yelled in a hoarse tone, barely above a whisper.

"No you're not, ambo's about to leave go to med with him and get checked out." Hank demanded. Without wanting to put up a fight Jay hopped carefully into the back of the ambo and exhaled sharply as he sat down in the plush seats beside the man he ahead shot.

"Hank's making me get checked out." Jay explained after being at the receiving end of questioning looks from both Gabby and Brett. "I'm fine though, just focus on him." Jay said feeling a wave of nausea overtake his body, forcing him the take a second to breathe.

They arrived shortly after, it was only about a ten minute drive. Will looked at his brother, confused. Why was Jay here? He thought.

"Jay? What are you doing here?" Will asked, approaching his baby brother who had his head between his knees in an attempt to thwart the sickening feeling in his gut. Dizzy. He felt dizzy. "Jay?" Will asked once more this time placing a comforting hand on his back and rubbing gentle circles into it. In out. In out.

"I got shot in the vest." Jay replied quietly still holding his throbbing head protectively between his shaky legs.

"Okay. Come on I'll check you out." Will replied, helping Jay to his feet. Jay immediately felt sick but managed to keep the contents of his stomach down in order to convince his older brother that he was in fact fine.

After what seemed like hours but really was only a couple minutes the pair of Halsteads made it to an exam room. Will helped the younger of the two lift his shirt over his head, revealing already forming bruises. "Jay." Will said with an exhale, the purple bruises that covered his brother's chest catching him off guard.

"I'm fine really." Jay said barely above a whisper. He sucked in a straggled breath, similar to a gasp. Will removed the stethoscope from around his neck and listened intently while his brother tried to hide the pain he was in.

Soft clicking was heard in the hallway as the curtain of the exam room opened up, revealing both Hank and Hailey. "Is he okay?" Asked Hank seeing his detective struggle for air but not really knowing what was happening.

"No..." Will began moving the position of his red stethoscope. "... Damn it he's got a collapsed lung, someone get me chest tube!" Will yelled in a frantic voice. Maggie tried to find another doctor but everyone was busy, Will was going to have to do this! "Get them out of here!" He yelled again nodding his head towards Jay's coworkers. Jay managed to open his eyes as the pair turned around.

"No... stay." He choked out between gasps. Will huffed but allowed the pair to stay by his side as Jay's arm was lifted above his head causing a soft groan to escape his lips. "Can't... breathe"

"I know bud I'm going to fix it!" Will said while splashing the antiseptic onto his brother's chest. "Here's the lido, it's going to burn." Will stated and plunged the needle into his brother's chest. Jay cried out but nonetheless stayed still under the skilled hands. Both Hank and Hailey hadn't the slightest idea of what to do so they simply stood there in silence and watched. They saw the long tube be shoved into Jay's chest, the frantic gasp he took once it was finally in, the calming of his monitors. They saw it all.

Once the crazy ordeal was over Will took Jay up to the ICU to recover. The two non Halsteads joined as well.

"Hey I just want you to know that now whenever you say that you're fine, absolutely nobody will believe you!" Hank said sarcastically. A small smile appeared on Jay's face at the comment and he drifted off into peaceful oblivion, sleeping away his pain surrounded by the people he loves.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now