3x01 continuation

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The intelligence team burst through the door seeing their injured friend laying breathlessly on the ground. His bare chest heaving up and down as pain washed over his face.

"Come on buddy we got you," Antonio said pulling one of Jay's sweat covered arms over his shoulders. Voight did the same for the other arm and the three men slowly but surly walked outside to greet the waiting ambo.

"Okay Halstead we are taking you to med," Gabby announced looking at him with pained eyes. "I know you've been through hell... do you need anything?" He stared blankly at her in response.

Erin was there, the one he thought was gone forever. His true love.

"Jay?" The loud words brought him out of the exhausted haze. The painful memories pounding in his head. Or was that his heartbeat? He couldn't quite decide.

"Hey buddy," Antonio greeted placing a reassuring hand on Jay's leg causing him to jump back. "Whoa, sorry man." Again a blank stare.

"It's okay," Jay whispered, his words barely audible. His baby blue eyes were beginning to droop closed.

"You wanna ride with us?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah I'll come.. I think Hank wants to come too, let me go grab him, he's making sure Erin's okay."

"You have a minute." He nodded in response smiling at his baby sister and jogging to find Voight.

"Halstead you alright?" Voight asked approaching the ambo. Once again there was no response. A simple blank stare. As if his eyes were clear. You could look right through them, no light, no life, no nothing, just emptiness. "Kid?" He said, "Jay?"

"I'm fine," Jay gritted out. His pain was obvious. Pale faced and shirtless he was done fighting it. "Okay maybe it hurts a little."

"Kid what you went through, I assume it hurts like hell?" He asked receiving a nod in response. "Do you think Erin could take Antonio's place?" He asked wondering if Jay needed Erin as much as Hank knew she needed him. Once again his question was answered with a nod. "Okay hang tight I'll go get her." He said smiling trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Is he okay?" Erin asked looking up at Gabby.

"Yeah tough guy over here should be fine," she answered rubbing his bare back. "Erin come here." She said moving from her position beside Jay. Erin grabbed his hand squeezing it tightly. "Hank umm I need to get a femoral line in... for pride purposes maybe you should leave. It takes maybe a minute."

"Erin?" He asked opening the doors to the ambo.

"I'll stay..." she answered. Followed by the mumbling of, "not like I haven't seen it all before," though Hank heard it in that moment he decided to let it go. He would kill Halstead later. Hank exited and closed the door behind him. "Does it hurt... he's already hurt?" She asked with pleading eyes. She didn't want him in anymore pain. He had been through enough the past couple days.

"Yeah, but I'll be quick." Jay whimpered slightly, he was already so sore. He didn't want anymore hurt. Everything hurt. "Promise."

"Shh... it's okay. I got you. You're safe," Erin soothed slicking back the sweaty hair stuck to his face. "I'll even hold your hand." She said smiling down at him.

Gabby prepared the supplies needed while Erin worked on removing his pants, something she hoped to one day be a pro at. Once off she sat down on the seat between his hand and head taking  the usually strong hand which felt weak in her tight hold. His inner thigh was cleaned off with a yellowy looking disinfectant.

"Okay here we go bud." Gabby said as she felt for a femoral pulse. The sound of tires screeching could be heard from outside. A second later the ambo doors swung open revealing the other Halstead brother. "Will?"

"Umm, Hank told me what happened I got here as soon as I could." He explained. He sat down and closed the doors behind him. "Hey buddy... how's he doing?" Will asked after receiving no response from his brother.

"He's really dehydrated and I can only get a femoral line in. I mean I could do it in his neck but that's unpleasant too." Will understood and  watched as Gabby went to place the line. Will stopped her right before she got to poke him.

"Can I do it?" He asked. "I know you're not supposed to work on family and no offence but I'm a doctor."

"Grab some gloves." She said rolling her eyes slightly.

"Thanks." Will pulled on the gloves and very carefully took the large needle from Gabby's hand. "Okay bud," Will said feeling the inside of his baby brother's thigh for a pulse. His hand was met with a strong, rapid one. "Deep breath," Jay tried to breathe deeply but failed and was punished for his efforts with the heaving feeling in his lungs. He felt the needle slide into his thigh. Erin couldn't bring herself to look but she knew it was going in from the tightened grip on her hand.

"It's okay... you're okay." She soothed kissing his hand lightly. He let out a soft cry as Will continued to dig for the artery. "Shh I got you. Just squeeze my hand." Erin tried to calm him.

"Okay that's it, It's done Jay." Will explained sighing with relief as he did so. "Let's get him some morphine." Will commanded as Gabby pushed a clear liquid into his  line. "Give it a minute to work bud, you'll feel better in a second." The pain washed away as Jay's eyes closed. Erin kissed his cheek and the sirens began to sound.

"I love you..." she said barely above a whisper so that only he could hear it. A smile appeared on his bruised face. "Let's get you to med."

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now