Heat stroke

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Handcuffed on a roof and utterly exhausted Jay was giving up on keeping the last of his consciousness. It was a scorching summer day in Chicago. He had decided to go for an ice cream run to bring it back to the district. On his way he saw a suspicious man go onto the roof of the building he was now locked on. After the mysterious man figured out Jay was a cop he locked him to the roof and left him to die of heat stroke.

Suddenly the door to the roof burst open. The entire intelligence team joining Jay on the roof.

"Oh damn," Hank said rushing to his fallen detective. "Call Will. Ask him if we should take him to a hospital" he yelled tapping Jay's sunburnt face in an effort to wake him.

"He said that he and Nat are on their way. We need to get him off the roof and somewhere cold." Erin replied, tears poking at her eyes. "Come on baby wake up." She cried performing the same motions as Hank and tapping the bright red face. His baby blue orbs slipped open with a moan of pain. "Come on let's get you out of here." She announced as Hank draped Jay's arm over his shoulder. They walked slowly inside the cold air conditioning immediately cooling Jay off.

Shortly after they arrived at the district Will and Natalie arrived ready to help.

"Let's get this off buddy," Will demanded, kindly, pulling at the hem of Jay's sweaty shirt. "I'll get an IV in and we'll get some fluids in you but first you gotta cool off a bit." Will explained, Jay nodded in response.

"What's his temp?" Nat asked, Will shrugged in response. She grabbed the ear thermometer and placed it into Jay's bright red appendage. "103.9" she answered though she was the one who asked the question. "It's not to bad but do you guys have ice packs at the district?"

"Yeah, I'll go grab some." Hank answered. He returned minutes later. Jay already had an IV bag attached to his muscular arm. "Here."

"Okay Just put this on your neck and give your system some time to cool down." Will explained placing the cold pack onto his brother's neck. "I'll check on you later but Nat and I have to go, we've got shift."

Jay nodded and the rest of the team members surrounding him left. Well apart from Erin of course.

"I guess you are just to hot to handle huh?" She joked.

"I'm quite the catch" he said sarcastically. "I've never heard you complain about me being to hot for you."

"No complaints here babe. Now cool down, I'll be warming you up later and everything needs to work."

"You never let me down babe, I love you." He said

"Trust me tonight nothing will be let down. I love you too."

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now