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this wonderful prompt is by Journalist15

Before I start this I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for not writing in forever. I had to go through some rough stuff, I won't bore you with the details but afterward, I really didn't have any motivation to write. Anyways, on with the story!


It's a sound we often think is a good thing. The economy is booming! not today. Today this boom, this boom meant death, it meant pain and for detective Jay Halstead it meant he was stuck several tens of feet under concrete which had more concrete overtop of it. He truly was trapped, stuck, with less and less air to breathe, not that he would be needing it soon.

He could hear the faint screams of his team in the distance. Eager calls of his name, all with hope-filled voices. He wanted to call back, to scream out that he was fine, that he would get to them as soon as possible. But, if there's one thing his mother taught him if anything was that you don't lie. Ever.

It had been a simple search. A plain building parking lot. Cars scattered across the garage, seeking shelter from the cold Chicago air that blew furiously outside. Heaps of snow found their way onto the ground through the several holes in the walls, soon to turn into puddles. Faint lines told customers where they should park, with the blue signs marking where only the handicapped could park. It seemed normal, It seemed safe, A plain building parking lot. A simple search.

So it really was giving the injured detective a headache when he tried to figure out how exactly he ended up bleeding, pinned under a concrete pillar, with a pipe sticking out of his chest. Or maybe it was the fact that when he was thrown back from the force of the bomb. The one that went Boom. His head was thrown against the same concrete pillar, right before it fell on top of him and pushed the pipe underneath him straight through the back of his lung and out the front of his chest. 'It can't be that bad' he thought to himself. He's been pinned, blown up, beat up. This man has been to hell and back, nothing has killed him. Yet.

"Jay." he heard again, this scream lower, raspier. He knew that voice. Voight. He tried to scream back but for some reason, his mouth moved and his voice stayed silent. He tried again. Nothing. Jay knew that if he didn't make a sound he was a goner. Not wanting to lose his streak of almost dying but making it out fine anyways he picked up a similar pipe to the one embedded in his chest and banged it against the ground with every ounce of effort he had left. "Halstead is that you?" the gruff voice in the distance asked. Again unable to form a sound he flung the pipe against the ground. Jay heard the rustling of his boss in the distance, heavy footsteps against the broken floor. He could hear Voight talking quietly to someone in the distance, his voice getting louder and louder as he grew closer to Jay. 'One more time' He raised his arm, this time above his head, slamming the pipe down and then letting it fall out of his hand in exhaustion. His eyes fluttered closed in a haze, finally, he let sleep claim him.

Light tapping brought Jay out of his daze. Rough, calloused hands gently slapping his cheek and waking him up. His eyes met the person above him, a painful breath falling from his lips. The adrenaline was wearing off, the only thing masking the pain was fading away. A smile. He saw something he rarely ever saw. Voight was smiling back at him, more so now that a confused look appeared on his face.

"He's awake!" Hank said. Jay's eyes darted across the small enclosed space he was trapped in. He saw the ambulance bag in his boss' hand. That's it. No one else was with them so who was Voight talking to? Hank noticed Jay's confusion and waved a small, boxlike phone in between his fingers. Suddenly Jay was calmer. He knew he could relax now that help was there. "In the bag?" Hank asked in a questioning tone. "Got it." Hank pulled out an I-pad and pressed a couple of buttons before setting it down in a way that Jay could see who was at the other end but more importantly the doctors on the other end could see him. "Now what?" Hank once again questioned. His smile already faded away and was replaced with concern for his detective. He could see how much Jay was struggling to breathe, the metal in his chest clearly painful against each heavy breath. He could see the familiar blue-green eyes darting around in confusion, moving across the room, trying to figure out what was going on.

Jay Halstead the accident waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now