daddy does this a lot

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dear mom,

daddy coughs a lot.

daddy cries a lot.

daddy screams a lot.

daddy says bad words a lot.

daddy has red liquid on him a lot.

daddy has a lot of cuts on him.

daddy has a lot of marks on his body. 

daddy comes home late a lot.

daddy yells a lot.

daddy sleeps a lot.

daddy doesn't eat a lot.


come home and fix daddy.



scribbled on a paper with dry tears mark. 

ann holds herself tightly in her arms when she hears the sounds of loud banging coming from outside her door. "ann open up the door right now!" her father yells out through slurs as he continues banging his hand against the door. 

ann brings the bed sheets closer to her face as she tightly holds onto them trying to stop herself from sobbing. "ann, honey, i'm sorry. pl-ease, open up the door. daddy wan-ts to give you a hug." she eventually falls asleep with dry tear marks on her face. 

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