daddy is really gone.

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dear mom,

mommy, i'm sorry that i haven't written to you.

it's been a busy two months.

daddy still isn't back home yet.

i'm becoming really worried about where he is.

so, i decided to turn on the t.v today,

and mommy something really horrible has happened. 

my heart stopped at what i saw.

my eyes were starting to become wet

and i could barely see through the blurriness. 

on that stupid t.v screen that was brightly lit up

with various words all jumbled together was the news.

and in the news, there was a picture of daddy smiling,

and next to the lady reporting the news was daddy's body. 

daddy's body.

daddy's thin body.

daddy's body that ribs were popping out.

daddy's small body.

daddy's broken body.

daddy's body with blood.

daddy's body with cuts and various marks. 

daddy's body that had stains all over it. 

the words on the screen said that 

that said that daddy was...




furiously scribbled and indented on the downstairs wall. she falls onto the carpet wailing out and screaming as her eyesight blurs and she cannot no longer see. 

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