dear ann

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dear ann,

hello there darling, today is your fifth birthday. you look so beautiful and happy in your bright yellow sundress.

do you like it? mommy bought it for you and had it custom just for your liking.

now then honey, i am writing this letter to you on this wonderful day because honey your mommy isn't going to be with you for awhile. mommy is going to be away for quite a long time, but don't worry! mommy will return and you'll be able to see her again.

i'm also writing this letter for you for when you become a wonderful princess and grow up.

honey, i just wanted to let you know that your daddy and i, we love you both so very much. you are our pride and joy, our sun to our sky.

so if daddy ever gets mad or harms you, please know that daddy doesn't hate you, he loves you so very much! daddy is just having a hard time.

i want to let you know that even though life as it seems to you, a five year old, it seems easy and fun. life will become mean, like a bad boo boo on your knee, but don't worry it will go away and you'll feel so much better.

you'll also experience such wonderful adventures, like your favorite person Peter Pan! one day, you're going to meet your Peter Pan, don't let him go honey. he's going to be the best Peter Pan in the world, he's going to send you to adventures.

honey, you are a wonderful little girl and not to mention a smart little girl. i am so proud to have a daughter like you.

honey, you are a strong and beautiful little girl. i know you're going to do well in life.

with love,


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