Kim Jisoo

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 Guyss So this is the edited version! I have my lovely friend alenseptia as my beta reader to help me! Thank u bestie!

Today had not yet finished but Jisoo already felt annoyed. The annoyance started from the moment she first woke up. Jisoo looked at the alarm clock next to her bed and jumped straight into the bathroom. It was half past nine in the morning and according to her schedule, she had to attend an anatomy class at 8 o'clock. After a quick shower (just washed her face and brushed her teeth), Jisoo came right out of the apartment and didn't forget to pick up the bread on the table to eat on the bus.

She let out a sigh of relief as she sat on the bus seat. Good thing she could get into the bus! Even though Jisoo got on the bus, it still did not change the fact that she was late in the anatomy class, therefore she could not avoid being scolded by the lecturer.

Her suffering was not done yet because after she sat on her seat followed by snickers from her classmates, she just realized that she forgot to bring her anatomy assignment.

Crap, I left it at my apartment! She thought as Mr. Park, her lecturer noticed that she was the only one who didn't hand over her assignment.

"Not only you're late, you also don't bring your assignment?? Please get out from this class, RIGHT NOW!"

After witnessed Mr. Park's wrath, Jisoo had to spend her time outside her classroom until his class was finished. Instead of wasting her time doing nothing, she decided to go to the library. So here she was, studying in the library while waiting for her friend Jennie who majored in Law to finish her first class. Jisoo herself was a dentistry student who was in her second semester. They planned to have lunch together in the cafeteria.

"Well Jisoo, I heard from other dentistry students when I passed the cafeteria that you were late again!", Jennie said. She suddenly appeared behind Jisoo, surprising her.

"Oh my god, you startled me!" Jisoo whispered, remembering they were still in the library.

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria, I haven't had breakfast yet, you can tell me why you are constantly coming late to your morning class," Jennie said, pulled Jisoo's hand to drag her into the cafeteria. Jisoo smiled, today was brighter because Jennie's schedule finished at the same time with her class even though they were from different majors. This was a rare thing to happen because sometimes Jennie had an afternoon class and Jisoo had to attend her morning class so the only time they could meet was at lunchtime.

Kim Jennie and Kim Jisoo met during their first year of high school, and since then they've never been apart. Jisoo's first impression of Jennie was that she looked cold and had a bitch face.

But of course, first impression never lasted forever.

One day, they accidentally sat together in the same class and when they had a chat together, Jisoo realized Jennie had a warm heart and a pleasant personality. Not many people could see it from her so Jisoo always defended Jennie when someone talked (more like trash-talking) about Jennie behind her back. Nobody could talk badly about Jennie in front of her.

"Look! there is Sehun in the cafeteria! I never saw him in the cafeteria before!", Jennie whispered to Jisoo as they sat at the unoccupied bench. When they arrived at the cafeteria, Chaeyoung and Lisa were already sitting at the place where they used to sit.

Jisoo and Jennie had been good friends since they were in high school. When they enrolled to their college, they met with Chaeyong and Lisa. Chaeyoung was a political science student who recently moved from Australia, meanwhile Lisa was a student from Thailand who majored in English literature. They met during student orientation and instantly clicked with each other. Chaeyoung and Lisa were so sweet and Jisoo instantly liked them right away.

"Where?", Lisa answered with enthusiasm. Chaeyoung also looked over at Sehun. Jisoo was scooping her fried rice into her mouth but she turned in the direction Jennie pointed out. Sure enough, in the corner of a cafeteria that was not crowded there was Sehun who was sitting while drinking his coffee (it did look like a coffe. A hot coffe) and there was Kai who was sitting in front of him.

They both were famous on their college as two handsome men with appearances like a Korean boyband idol. But unfortunately, although handsome they were quiet and not talkative. They also could be rarely seen in the cafeteria. Why, you ask?

Sehun and Kai always attended classes but once the class was over they disappeared like a mysterious fog. Many women loved approaching them to confess their feelings but they were badly rejected. Jisoo wondered why they had never been seen dating women when many men of their age were seen with different women at least once a month.

In addition to college, there were several nasty rumors about them such as their involvement with underground mafias and other dangerous things. Jisoo could feel several auras from their upbringing, and 'dangerous' definitely made the list. 'Dangerous' and 'bad boy' vibes certainly attracted many college girls to approach them. Those girls still had certain paradigm that those so called 'dangerous' vibes strongly associated with their definition of 'sexy' men.

None of those girls ever had the pleasure to taste the feeling of success in capturing their heart, unfortunately.

Interestingly, Sehun's and Kai's supposed 'cold' attidude gained a big respect from Jisoo. The reason? According to Jisoo, a man who did not consider women as toys and not easy to replace them is a good man, or because they were gay?

"Hmm.. interesting" Jisoo thought as she continued to stare at Sehun and Kai from the distance. Suddenly Sehun's dark eyes met with her gaze. Startled with his action, Jisoo turned her head away and went straight back facing the front.

What is that. Am I dreaming? (Italic)

Surprised, Jisoo felt her face gradually became warm as she felt Sehun's penetrating gaze still directed at her.

"Well, Sehun is looking at our way! Is he looking at me ?!", Chaeyoung concluded excitedly. She had a little crush on Sehun, although Jisoo felt it was ridiculous considering they've never talked to each other.

"Or is he looking at Jisoo? We all know that Jisoo has a lot of fans ", Lisa said as she was smirking while putting her arm around Jisoo's shoulder.

"And she always refused them," Jennie said with a sigh.

"You know I do not have time for men, my life is full of lab work, college assignments, and part-time work," Jisoo said with a sweet smile.

"Oooh look at her smile, she's very cute!", Lisa said as she pinched Jisoo's cheek.

"Ahh Jisoo, what should we do? In these beautiful moments of college you have to build your own romantic love story!", Chaeyoung was saying those dramatic statements while holding Jisoo's hand. She was indeed a hopeless romantic who always updated her free time with the latest romantic comedy dramas.

"Maybe someday," Jisoo said as she finished her fried rice, she did not want to be late to her physiology class later in the day.

But Jisoo had no idea that someday was near.

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