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Luhan felt so bored out of his mind. He didn't have anything to do today. Business is going well, Minseok and Kris is taking care new deals at this moment. They insisted that the two of them is enough and Luhan didn't have to come too. So Luhan's now checking the television if there's interesting shows. After a few times changing channels, he turn the TV off. Why is there nothing interesting?

Nobody is at home. He's sure that Yixing, Jongin, and Sehun are out dancing. They love to dance in their spare time. Kyungsoo and Jongdae are out to see a few cooking appliances. Junmyeon said he's going out too. Luhan have no idea where Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Tao are. He hope they're not out causing troubles. Out of all his brothers, those three were the most handful ones. They got involved in fights all the time. Luhan can't even count with his fingers how many times they gave Minseok and him a headache.

Luhan let out a huge sigh. His mind wandered to the time he first came to the orphanage. He didn't remember anything about his parents. He just remember the two officers that found him in the streets. He was so hungry and dirty, those two officers bought him to the police office. After there's no sign of anyone picking him up, they bought him to the orphanage. That was the first time he met Minseok. Luhan couldn't even talk Korean. But Minseok patiently taught him everything. As months passes by, he became more fluent in Korean. After that, all his brothers came in one by one. He didn't know why the twelve of them are so close to each other. He guessed that maybe this is what books called a connection. Having bonds that is close enough to be real brothers. Luhan love all of them dearly and won't hestitate to sacrifice his life if any of them are in trouble.

From all of his brothers, Luhan and Minseok as the oldest ones in the family, are the most strict brothers. Kris is too soft, he easily succumbed to aegyo. Luhan smiled at that thought. He need to teach Kris to be more strict with their little brothers. Speaking of Minseok, as the closest brother to him, Luhan noticed a few changes. He seem to smile to himself when he look at his phone, he like to go out everynight only to come back home with a cup of coffee, and Luhan often see him out talking to someone. Do he have a girl? Whoever that is, Luhan need to remind Minseok to be more careful. Because Exo can't date freely like other men. Luhan himself only had one girlfriend, back when he was in highschool. He broke it off with her when he found out that she'd been flirting with Kris. Poor Kris, he was so uncomfortable and afraid to hurt Luhan feelings to tell the truth. To be honest, Luhan didn't even feel sad when he broke up. His brothers were enough for him.

Luhan stand up and went to his room to get a few books to read. He noticed that his bed lamp had been broken for a few weeks and he had to sleep with a dark room everynight since then. Luhan brightened up when he saw the lamp.

Now he know what to do with this boredom.


Luhan had just got out from his car when he saw Junmyeon entering the parking lot. He was stunned for a moment than he call out his dongsaeng.

What's he doing here?

"Hey! Junmyeon!"

Junmyeon look up from his phone and look startled when he saw Luhan. Junmyeon then walked to Luhan who's still standing beside his car. He look a bit nervous thought Luhan. Hmm? Something is fishy.

"Oh hyung! What're you doing here?" asked Junmyeon nervously.

"Well I'm bored at home so I came out to look for a new bed lamp. What are you doing though?" asked Luhan suspiciously.

"I was with a friend. But there's some problem at work so I need to go first"

"Who? I know all your friends"

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