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Say so- Doja Cat

Like that- Doja Cat X Gucci Mane

Mushroom Chocolate- Quin, 6LACK

Warning: smutt contentt


The air at the beach was hot, far different from when Jisoo and Chanyeol arrived yesterday afternoon. The sun was already up high, shining brightly. People were scattered all over the beach, some sunbathing, some playing in the ocean and all other things.

Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Tao, and Sehun shouted while running towards the sea. They push each other trying to be the first to win.

Jisoo rolled her eyes while muttering "Men".

It doesn't matter whether they are kids or an adult, it's all the same.

Kris, Minseok, Jumyeon, and Luhan oppa seem to think that too because Jisoo caught their exasperated looks to each other. Kyungsoo and Jongin oppa goes to buy ice cream across the road to the ice cream stand.

Luhan whistled to get her attention back.

"Baby, come sit, I'll spread your sunscreen on your back"

Jisoo look back to see them already lounging at the beach lounges, with sunglasses and all, ready for sunbathing.

Yixing oppa is laying down with his favorite book of the month (He always have a favorite book each month. He whispered all his favorite things to Jisoo when it's their time together, and it made Jisoo more in love than ever).

All of her boys shirts are already off, showing their muscled and strong chest with abs. Jisoo could see some girls standing around, their eyes set on each of her boys. If they notice those girls, Jisoo wouldn't know because each pair of her boyfriends eyes are only her. She can feel each inch of their intense gaze on her.

"Jisoo, come on", said Junmyeon, his hands reached out to show the seat they had prepared for her. It's between Luhan and Minseok oppa. Jisoo felt a bit nervous to show her body in the public, She never wear a bikini before. Feeling Kris, Junmyeon, Minseok, and Luhan expectant gazes (They can't fool her, she know they're watching her beneath their sunglasses), she lifted up her dress to reveal her swimsuit.

Jisoo squeezed her eyes shut, feeling a bit embarrassed when she didn't hear anything from them.

"Shiiiiiiit, whose idea was this? ", asked Luhan oppa, breaking the silence.

Jisoo open her eyes only to see the four of them looking at her intently and.. hungrily? They look as if they want to devour her whole.

She feel very embarrassed and her face flushed red from the attention shown to her.

"She's gonna get all other boys attention," whined Junmyeon oppa.

"Shush! Don't be so loud, oppa!"

Kris gave her a long stare that made her body tremble a bit. Jisoo rushed to sit in the lounge and turned around so Luhan could spread the sunscreen on her back.

"Where's the magic word, Jisoo?", asked Luhan sneakily as he sat on her, carefully keeping his knees on her sides to not crush her.

Jisoo rolled her eyes from she folded her hands beneath her face.

Luhan pinched her butt playfully from her lack of answer.

Jisoo shrieked from the sudden move, "Geez okay oppa, Can you please spread sunscreen for me?"

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