Kim Jisoo

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  Waaah I'm sorry that I post this chapter a bit late! It's just that my schedule is full with patients and assignments so it's hard to find enough time :'''' Anyways, enjoy and tell me what you think XD 


Jisoo had been wandering in a cute plushie store with Junmyeon oppa. Junmyeon oppa insist to take her there and help her choose a cute plushie for Chaeyoung's birthday present. Chaeyoung's really cute with fluffy cheeks like a chipmunk. A cute chipmunk. And Jisoo love her chipmunk girl. At first Jisoo want to go on her own but Junmyeon oppa whined saying that it'd been a long time since they went out. Jisoo hide a smile with her hand, wondering how can he be so different with his real age. Junmyeon oppa's a mature man but sometimes he acted aegyo with Jisoo. Jisoo would always rolled her eyes at his attempts.

Speaking of Junmyeon oppa, Jisoo's mind wandered to two other oppas that she just met a few weeks ago. Tao oppa've been texting and sending her some fashionable clothes, hairbands, shoes, and many more. At first Jisoo tried to send it back at him but he always declined and insisted her to take it. He said there's no girl in his house to play dress up with, so she's the subsitute. Jennie'd been asking her where these expensive things come from.

"Unnie! Do you have some sugar daddy or something?"

"Yaah! Jendeuk! What's wrong with you? It's from a friend"

"Unnie, Even I'm not this stupid. What kind of friend sends you a freaking 2 thousand dollar shoe?"

"What? This shoe is that expensive?"

"Unnie! Don't try to distract me from this conversation! That friend definitely likes you more than a friend!!Who is it huh?"

Jisoo sang to cover Jennie's words, not wanting to hear more, and then goes to the kitchen and asked Jennie to make her macaroons. Jennie eventually forgot to ask her more about this friend.

Jisoo pondered for a moment. Solmaa (It can't be), is it true that Tao likes her? She's not sure what to think about it. On the other hand, Kris oppa just send her a few texts from time to time.

He would ask about her studies.

"How's your studies?"

"It's hard oppa, but I can manage it"

Sometimes he ask about her day.

"Anything interesting today?"

"Umm nothing. Oh yeah! Lisa bought me a cute pen!"

One time he told Jisoo something that make her confused.

"If there's someone bothering you, tell me. I'll take care of it"

"What? Oppa, there's no one like that -__-"

She just pass it off, thinking Kris oppa's just worried for her.

A hand grab her hand, grasping it tightly, broking her thoughts. She looks up to see Junmyeon oppa staring at her worriedly.

"Hmm? What's wrong with my sweet girl?"

Jisoo scoffs at her pet name from Junmyeon oppa.

"Nothing oppa, just remembering some things"

"Well, okay then. Now let's look for Chaeyoung's birthday present!" said Junmyeon oppa, still holding her hand.

Jisoo smiled at him and drag him to the animal plushies section.

"I know what I'd get for her, oppa!"

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