Zhang Yixing

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Yixing has a soft heart since childhood. When he finds a wounded kitten home from school, he always takes it back to the orphanage. When he finds a stray puppy, he will take ithim home. Mrs. Ahn the guardian of the orphanage always scolds Yixing for often bringing various animals home. One day when Yixing came home from school, he did not find all his pets. Apparently that morning, Mrs. Ahn threw them out on the grounds that they did not have the money to take care of all the animals. Yixing burst into tears and cries for two days straight. Kris hyung who can not stand Yixing's cries and then bought him a pair of fish in a small aquarium to be taken cared by Yixing.

Yixing can not remember the reason why he was at the orphanage. Yixing's first memory was when he played with Kris and Suho hyung. Kris Hyung said, Yixing is a child who was illegally adopted from China. After being caught by the authorities, Yixing was later admitted to the orphanage. But Yixing never felt lonely. He is always happy to be accompanied by all of his Exo brothers.

Yixing always wanted to be a doctor. He tried to get an A in all his school lessons. If there is something that he does not understand, he will ask Suho hyung to teach it. Suho hyung himself is genius with IQ over 145 and straight As in all school subjects. In addition, he is the chairman of the student organization and head of the social service organization at a nursing home. Yixing is always impressed with Suho hyung, although he is confused why Suho hyung let Minseok, Luhan, and Kris hyung set up a drug sale business. Yixing himself did not forbid them, because he knew the money generated was used to pay for his medical school as well. Although they insisted on giving the money, Yixing tried to get a scholarship because he knew the money could be used for his other brothers education.

Not long after, Yixing graduated to become a doctor. He had the noisiest cheering section when he graduated. All of his brothers are present without exception, including Sehun and Kai who missed high school to attend. They are a big family and support each other. That night Minseok hyung treats them all at "La Fonte" a famous and expensive Italian restaurant. In his spare time, Yixing also likes to accompany Kai to dance. He himself has a hobby dancing for refreshing from all of his assignments and labwork at college. Yixing graduated with a cum laude and was offered to work at Angsu Hospital, South Korea's central hospital, which is about two hours away from where they live. But Yixing refused, he did not want to part with his brothers, and set up a small clinic in front of the city Station.

It was Yixing's day as usual. There were two elderly patients who complain of having a sore back and a small child falling off his bike and broke his arm. Yixing took a deep breath as he read some case reports on his desk while waiting for the next patient. Miss Yoona, his nurse told him that his next patient is a young woman named Kim Jisoo. As the door opened, Yixing raised his head to greet Kim Jisoo. But he accidentally hold his breath when he saw Kim Jisoo. She is so beautiful, with gorgeous eyes and a charming smile. Yixing almost lost his words, but he was aware and his professionalism kicks in. He introduced himself as Dr. Zhang Yixing and insisted on asking Jisoo to call him Yixing only. Yixing knew he should not think like this to his patient, but he kept on looking at Jisoo's face as she told him about her complaints. Yixing does not know why he is like this because frankly when he was in college a lot of beautiful women who tried to approach him. But he was always uninterested.

When Jisoo smiles, he smiles. Her laughter was contagious. After the examination, Yixing prescribed medication for Jisoo but he deliberately lingered to write it. He wanted to talk longer with her especially after he knew she studies in the department of dentistry, both in the medical field. Yixing told her about his college life, one time he was late to the lecture of a lecturer who was famous as "the killer" and his punishment was to collect mice for a month-long for labworks. Jisoo always laughs everytime he tells some story, lifting her hand to cover her sweet smile and pretty dimple. Yoona knocks on the door to inform the next patient is waiting to be called in, and Yixing reluctantly ends their chat. Yixing instructed Jisoo to take the medicine regularly and not forget to rest enough.

"Well, see you again Jisoo. Rest and take the medication that has been prescribed. Get well soon " said Yixing while gazing at her.

"Yes Yixing," she said smiling and walking out his office.

Yixing smiled to himself and reread Jisoo's biodata information on her medical record. "Well, she lives not far from here. Shit Yixing, Why're you like some creep?" Yixing thought while rubbing his face.

"Dr. Zhang, why is the examination for Miss Kim Jisoo so long? "Yoona asked curiously.

"Nothing important Yoona, she just needs some additional check ups to confirm the diagnosis", lied Yixing.

That day Yixing came home with an incessant smile. When Minseok hyung sees it, he does not say anything. Only Chanyeol dare to tease him, asking him why is he smiling nonstop.

"Nothing Chanyeol, It's been a good day," answered Yixing with a grin. Chanyeol just rolled his eyes, saying that everyday is a good day for Yixing, what's the difference. Yixing just smiles, remembering that Jisoo work part time at the cafe he always passed every morning when he went to work. He should stop by once for a while.

My sweet Lay!


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