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Surprise! Another update! I figured that I'll update this story first before continue to study for my final exams! Wish me luck guyss

Warning: smutt contentt


No Guidance- Chris Brown ft Drake

2 on- Tinashe

Birthday Sex-Jeremiah


Sehun watched Jisoo's peaceful sleeping face. She looks so cute despite being so sexy earlier. He let out a deep sigh and caress her face gently. He hoped she wouldn't notice anything different from him tonight. Sehun tried to be as normal as possible but the information he and Jongin got this afternoon made him scared.

And Sehun have never been scared before.

Nervous, yes.

Scared, never.

He got his brothers with him, what should he be scared of?

He slowly got up from the bed and kissed Jisoo's forehead softly.

'I really love her'

Sehun wore his shirt and pants quickly and went out Jisoo's bedroom to go downstairs. When he entered the dining room, he saw all his brothers already waiting for him. He stole a look at Jongin to see him looking a bit frustrated.

He bet his face is the same.

"What is going on, Sehun?", asked Minseok hyung as the older EXO member.

Sehun stayed silent as he exchanged looks with Jongin.

"Jongin?"  This time Kris hyung is the one asking, looking at both of them.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol are watching them closely. Tao stayed quiet as he spin his favorite knife in the air. Junmyeon and Yixing hyung waited patiently for them to say something. Kyungsoo hyung didn't even blink as he stared at them.

"Boys, what the fuck is going on?" asked Jongdae, never the patience one in the group.

"I received a report from Mark, one of the NCT gang. a bit concerning", said Jongin, finally talking.

NCT gang is one of their subordinates, someone they could trust. EXO have many enemies, but NCT is an exception.

"Ok, tell  us what is the problem? The police figured out our drug smuggling?", asked Luhan hyung.

"I wish it was that", scoffed Sehun, shaking his head.

Minseok, Junmyeon, and Kris hyung became alerted as they were the older ones. They realized it's a bigger problem when Sehun said that sentence.

"What happened?", asked Kyungsoo hyung, finally talking.

"Mark said BTS've been snooping around, asking around in SNU", said Sehun, lifting his head to look at his hyungs.

"Shit", cursed Baekhyun and Jongdae at the same time. If this situation is not serious Sehun would've laughed.

"Did they find out about Jisoo?", asked Yixing furiously. He's the most gentle one in EXO but the thought of BTS knowing the existence of Kim Jisoo shaked him to the core.

"We don't know for sure, but it seems like it. They've never been in EXO territory before. Hell, what are they even doing in SNU?", answered Jongin.

"Well, maybe they're spying at you and Sehun?", said Chanyeol, unsure. But all of them knew that was not the reason. BTS have figured out who they were but they never went to SNU to search for Sehun and Jongin.

Yearn  (Jisoo x Exo)Where stories live. Discover now