Epilogue II

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Body- Summer Walker

Come thru- Summer walker ft Usher

Playing Games- Summer walker ft Bryson Tiller


It'd been three years since that night.

Three years fulled with happiness. Not always, really. There'd been fights, bad fights, between them but they learn to forgive each other.

One night Chanyeol came home irritated, he got some problem at work, and start snapping at everyone. When Jisoo kindly asked him if he want some ice cream with her and he snapped no at her too, she exploded and started to spit some curses. Saying how childish he was for snapping at people that cares for him and tried to make him feel better.

Everyone was shocked because they've never seen Jisoo cursed before (She must've learned from the masters of cursing, Jongdae and Baekhyun). Chanyeol realized how unfair he was, started to apologized for his actions and everyone forgived him. Jisoo gave him a bright smile at his apologizes.

She took him to eat ice cream at Baskin Robbins.

And a sweet, sweet kiss to forgive him.

Let's just say after that, no one dared to snapped at her again.

Exo stayed true to their words, they left the illegal world. Each of them concentrated with their own works. Minseok still operate his own company with his company shares, Yixing with his clinical practice in his old clinic, Junmyeon with his publishing company (Chanyeol and Baekhyun joined to help him there), Tao opened a Martial Arts Center for Kids with Kris and Luhan helping him, Jongdae took care of Exo's arcades all over Seoul (He often jokes, telling them he'd open an Amusement park too), Kai and Sehun have planned to open a Dance Academy but for now they're still helping the other Exo members.

And her dear, dear Kyungsoo oppa opened up a Youtube account to share recipes and cooking tips. He never smiled for once in his videos, very straightforward, but somehow he gained many fans (Mostly moms and college girls). His subscribers are almost one million, and Jisoo loved it for him. She know his passion are food and cooking so she always supported him. She appeared a few times in his videos introducing herself proudly as his girlfriend, and she know whenever she said that, Kyungsoo oppa would lift up the corner of his lips in a small smile that she love very much.

The amount of money they received from all of their work are a lot, so they never have money problems.

Jisoo smiled at herself in the mirror, looking at her graduation robes.

Today is her graduation.

Finally, she finished her dental school.

Today she is officially a dentist.

Jisoo let out a big grin in her face at that thought.

It's all over! Her assignments, lab works, presentations, and all of those hard work that make her lose countless of night sleeps.

Her iphone 11 Pro Max (present from Minseok oppa) let out a beep signaling a message just came in.

She glanced at the screen to read it. It's from Tao oppa.

'Babe. We're all here. So proud of you, baby'

She smiled at his cute message and type in to reply him.

'Okay, oppa. Behave and don't make troubles'

'Me?? Never!'

Jisoo laughed at his reply, she could almost imagine his tone when he say that. She now know all of the Exo members by heart and she can imagined each of their expressions.

Yearn  (Jisoo x Exo)Where stories live. Discover now