Kim Jisoo

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"Minseok oppaa... I've come here like a thousand times, you know? Alone?" said Jisoo exasperately. Sometimes Minseok oppa can be overbearing, but she's okay with it because no one before is attentive to her. Besides her girls of course. They're her best best best friends.

Jisoo and Minseok have been hanging out after her part time work is over. She was doing her assignments with Minseok oppa beside her reading some books. It's been a few months since she've known him, and he's now a close friend of her. It's the same with Kyungsoo and Yixing oppa. Yixing oppa've been buying coffee at the cafe she works at every morning before he goes to his clinic. They've become good friends. Unexpectedly, Kai and Sehun too have been hanging out with her in the Uni library. They've met accidently and started to have group studies together even though each of them are from different faculties. And of course Junmyeon oppa.. she couldn't forget him. A few weeks ago, there was a call from him. She know that it's him because she had save his number. But when she takes the call, she pretends she doesn't know it's him.

"Helloo, who's this?"

"Aww.. you don't save my number, beautiful?"

"Yup, who's this?"

"Am I that really easy to forget?", he sounds so sad that Jisoo bursts laughing.

"Junmyeon oppa! Of course I remember!"

"You do?" He sounds hopeful.

After that they keep chatting, until Jisoo realize that she will be late for work and ends the call with a promise to him to call him again. Since then, Junmyeon calls her everynight after she got off work, and a few times he's already outside the cafe waiting to take her home. He's so stubborn that Jisoo already gives up and let him do whatever he wants.

So back to the story, Jisoo've been hanging out with Minseok oppa when suddenly Jennie calls her and ask her to meet up at the LOEX mall. Jennie said she saw a a new collection of Gucci that she need to check and she need her girl. Jisoo smiles, Jennie's a rich girl but she's down to earth and Jisoo loves her. She agreed and ends call, when she turns her head, Minseok oppa've been watching her.

"Is that Jennie?" ask him. He knows all of her friends but none of her friends have met him.

"Yes oppa, I need to go to LOEX mall. Jennie needs me" she smiles apologetically.

"I'll take you there"

When they arrived at the mall, Minseok asks her for the sixth time if she want him to come with her. Jisoo rolls her eyes at how protective he are.

"But it's so late Jisoo-yah. What if there's bad guys?"

"Oppa please, this is girls time. And I've always been alone before you know me. Besides Jennie would take me home."

Minseok oppa seems reluctant to let her go so she takes the last way out. She pecks his cheek, and gets out of his car.

"Bye oppa! Be safe!", wave Jisoo smiling widely. Minseok puts his head out of the window and smiles.

"Fine. You win this time. Becareful sweetheart" said Minseok oppa and he drives away. Jisoo takes a deep breath and heads in the huge mall.


"Oh my god, look at this cute dress Unnie!!" squeal Jennie. They're now inside the famous Gucci brand store for about half an hour. Jennie's been gushing at a cute black short halter dress for parties. Jisoo checks the price and she nearly faint. There's so many zeroes, she can't even count.

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