Byun Baekhyun

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Baekhyun always love the time spent with his brothers, either at home, work, or outside. But this situation right now made him want to be anywhere but here because the tense faces of his brothers. He didn't know what's going on but one thing he know for sure is that's because of her. The girl named Kim Jisoo, just strut right in to his peaceful house, overturned their world, and left just like that. Just who does she think she is?

All of them've been waiting for Junmyeon hyung to return from dropping that girl (he refused to say her name) home. No one had said anything, and Baekhyun is too annoyed to open the conversation. He is afraid that if he starts talking, his emotions will explode and he will talk things that he'll regret. Chanyeol is sitting next to him, holding back his yawn. It is late at night and he's sure everyone wanted to sleep, but if Minseok said they have to talk then they have a talk. It didn't matter if it's at 3am at the morning or when they're at some dangerous mission. Whatever Minseok says, it will be obeyed. Because he is the oldest hyung, and all his brothers respect him so much. This is all because that girl, fumed Baekhyun.

No, he didn't hate her. He just didn't like how all his brothers (except Chanyeol) face become so soft and starry eyed whenever she turn her attention to one of them. They're Exo for goodness sake! Not some romantic comedy drama shit that Jongdae liked to watch. And what's wrong with her, really? How come she didn't realize that she'd been friends with almost all of them. Baekhyun began to suspect her innocence. Does she really have no idea or she pretended not to know?

Baekhyun didn't really trust women. He'd had his fair share of girlfriends since high school, and let's say that all of it didn't ended well. It's either they lusted for one of his brothers, his good looks, or his wealth. He'll played them by making them believe he love them but when they started to show their true colors, he would dump them without looking back. He's proud to say that he'd make them regret it. None of his brothers ever dated a girl so he's convinced that they didn't know this girl well. They didn't know how sly a girl can get. Baekhyun would do anything to protect them.

Baekhyun admitted that he got in the orphanage because of a woman. His mother, more precisely. His mother was a bad woman, not even fit to be called a mother. Baekhyun was abused physically and mentally by her for several years before he was saved by the police at eight years old. He was brought to the orphanage and he was a huge mess. He'd become so afraid of touch and the sight of woman. But Minseok, Luhan, and Kris hyung were always there for him. Coaxing him out from his shell, patiently waited beside him. He didn't know what he'd become without them. Without all his brothers.

The sound of the front door opening broke him out from his thoughts and he watched as Junmyeon hyung came in with a grim face. His other brothers look at him for a moment before all hell broke loose.

"What the hell?"

"How did you know her?!"

"I fucking know her first!"

"What the fuck is this!?"

"Is this a big joke!?"

"You're fucking kidding me, right?!"


Minseok hyung panted as he said that last sentence. All his siblings fell silent at once. The living room became quiet because of his declaration. Baekhyun couldn't believe this. They're fucking fighting because a girl?

You must be kidding me

".. I love her too"

All his brothers turned to face Kris. His hyung was the most peaceful one who didn't like fights. But he's participating too?? What the hell is happening?

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