Kim Jisoo

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I write this story with each characters point of view so the story may be a bit slow paced but that's because I want every member of Exo to have their own moments with Jisoo. Don't worry, I also can't wait for the romance XD

Jisoo is confused. She's confused about what to cook for dinner tonight. Does she want to cook Korean food such as bibimbap or kimchi jigae or western dishes like pasta? She stood for a long time in front of a food shelf arranged with various sauces. Jisoo likes to eat everything especially rice, rice, rice! "Ah, let's just cook kimchi jigae with warm rice Jisoo," she thought. Jisoo starts thinking to when she met Kim Minseok a few weeks ago. Once acquainted, they become good friends. Kim Minseok always invites Jisoo chatting as he stops by the cafe where she works.

"Call me oppa," he said one day after the cafe customers were gone.

"What? No, that's a embarrassing Minseok-shi, "Jisoo replied flustered.

"Come on, we know each other well. And I'm much older than you Jisoo-ya," Minseok said with a cheeky grin.

Jisoo refused to call him that but Minseok kept bothering her and asks to call him oppa. Jisoo can not take it anymore and obey.

"Fine, I'll call you that. Are you satisfied Minseok oppa? "Jisoo said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes! You make my day happier, " Minseok said, shuffling Jisoo's hair with a big smile.

Jisoo smiled at the thought. She still does not know what Minseok works as but from his clothes it seems like he's a businessman. He always looks neat with a suit. And he looks delicious. Oh my god! Jisoo slapped her mouth. What the hell was she thinking! When Jisoo was busy scolding herself for thinking like that about Minseok oppa, her hand that was grabbing a pile of cabbage touched someone's hand. Startled, Jisoo immediately lowered her head to apologize, as she looked up she was stunned. In front of her stood a handsome man with brown hair who was cut short with large eyes. He looks like a quiet and calm person. He wore a neat shirt and cloth pants, and his stature was not too high. He looks so squishy.

"I'm sorry, I was not looking," Jisoo said.

"Oh, no, no problem," he replied politely.

"Here, you can take it," Jisoo said as she gave the remaining cabbage.

"No, take it. I insist, "

"Um, okay then. Thanks, "Jisoo said. She glanced into his shopping cart and saw the basket was very full of various foods.

"Wow, that's so much food. You like to cook, huh? " Jisoo asked with a smile. The man looked surprised because Jisoo invited him to talk.

"Uhm yeah. I like to cook when I have free time. And I have a lot of brothers, so food kinda runs out fast. ", he answered awkwardly.

"That's great. I bet your house is never quiet! "She grins. The man finally smiled a bit at her. Maybe he has finished assessing Jisoo and concluded that she is not suspicious.

"Yeah, but they're annoying sometimes," he said gazing at her. His eyes looked warm after Jisoo looked closer.

"You must be grateful. I always wanted to have siblings. It sucks to eat dinner by yourself ", Jisoo said smiling at him.

They keep talking while shopping at the supermarket. Since Jisoo was a kid she never had trouble chatting with strangers. Jisoo somehow feels comfortable with him. Jisoo learned that his name is Do Kyungsoo and he just graduated from Seoul National University last year. He is now working in a family business. They continued to talk for a while after shopping for groceries.

"You sounds like a good cook, cook for me one day," Jisoo laughed.

"You should visit our house. I'll cook you something, "he said politely.

"Thanks for the offer. Don't you know that women can't go to strangers house," joked Jisoo.

"We're not strangers. I'm your sunbae and my brothers is studying in SNU too," he replied.

"Good point. Well, I'll try to visit if I have time. Teach me cooking, ok? I should go now, it's getting dark, " Jisoo said.

"Becareful Jisoo-shi, it's already late," Kyungsoo said. He smiled at her while watching her walk to the opposite way.

"Bye, Kyungsoo-shi. I'm used to it, " she waved her hands with a big smile, walking backwards. Along the way home, Jisoo thinks of when she can meet Kyungsoo again. His big eyes and heart-shaped lips is cute. At first Kyungsoo looks so shy but after Jisoo invites him to talk, he started to open himself.

Oh, and one more thing, she wondered who his brothers are.

I wonder who his brothers are? *smirks*

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