Kim Minseok

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Kim Minseok hates cute things. He hates it more if anyone says he's cute. While at the orphanage, Minseok always avoids the adults who always cooes and pinched his cheeks. As far as Minseok remembers, he was always there at the orphanage. Minseok does not remember who his parents are and whether he has a family. Mrs. Ahn never tells Minseok who his family is every time he tries to find out. Life at the orphanage was not so bad, Mrs.Ahn is a good woman and always tries to be fair to the children, but the orphanage is lacking funds and the children are often starving. Minseok is determined to get out of there once he reaches adulthood.

When Minseok was 7 years old, he first met Luhan. Luhan at the time was very pretty and looked like a girl and Minseok thought he was like a living doll. Luhan was apparently found by the police officer next to the town gangs and he did not speak Korean at all. He speaks broken Mandarin, and the orphanage kids do not want to be friends with him. After two days of observing Luhan, Minseok decided to befriend him. He began patiently to teach Luhan Korean language as much as possible considering he himself was 7 years old. He pointed at things and called them in Korean. Luhan will point and repeat what he says. This went on for several months and Luhan begin to understand and speak in Korean. But he never smiled.

"Yah Luhan, what's that?" Asked a 7 year old Minseok while pointing at a jasmine flower. They started practicing names outside the orphanage because beforehand they were just practicing the names of the items in the house.

"Jae..jae..sumin?" Luhan replied uncertainly.

"Smart kid!" Minseok laughed happily as he ruffled Luhan's hair.

That day Luhan smiled for the first time.

Minseok and Luhan are getting closer as time goes by. Shortly after Luhan entered the orphanage, another Exo member entered. First Junmyeon and Kris, followed by Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, then Jongdae, Yixing, and Tao. Jongin and Sehun are the last. They are all broken children and that is why their relationship with each other is strong.

When Minseok was 18 years old, he, Luhan, and Kris decided to leave the orphanage. They've reached adulthood and promised the other Exo members who are still in the orphanage to get them out of it. Minseok, Luhan and Kris started working part-time in various places to collect money. Minseok strive to always join a class in college because he felt that education is also important. However, after a few months the money they had collected was still not enough to support the lives of their other brothers who were still in the orphanage. One day as Kris returns to the small apartment where the three of them live, he says something surprising.

"Minseok and Luhan hyung, listen, I have news," he said. Minseok and Luhan had just come home from work and were sitting in the living room.

"What?" Asked Luhan.

"Daehyun told me that he has a job, a good job," Kris said. Daehyun is Kris's part-time partner at the minimarket.

"But ..." Minseok continued hesitantly. He had a bad feeling.

"Yeah, this is dangerous hyung, buying and selling drugs," said Kris.

"Kris! We are not that desperate for money, "said Luhan. Minseok still paused to think about what Kris had just said.

"Hyung, we need a lot of money, do you remember that our other brothers is waiting for us to take them away from there?" Kris said.

"Yes but drugs?" Minseok said.

"If they live with us, how do we earn enough money for our daily lives? There are twelve of us, and also the cost of education .. It's the best choice hyung, "said Kris wearily.

Minseok is still unsure of what Kris said. After a long talk between the three of them, they decided to try it. And sure enough, Minseok savings directly increased more than the his part-time work for a month, much more. Shortly after about 2 years, due to Minseok, Luhan, and Kris work are deft and good, they want to create their own organization. And they named the organization Exo as their group name. The name Exo became famous in the world of drugs, but nobody knows who its members are. They maintain both the secrecy of their organization for their own safety. Minseok decided to take a pseudonym and that's where a Xiumin was born. Shortly thereafter, the other EXO members joined and now they live together in a big house in the suburbs.

When Minseok was 25 years old, he had a pretty satisfying life. He managed to live with his brothers in a nice big house and have enough money for a lifetime. Minseok does not have time for dating. He does not want to involve women in his dangerous life. And he does not trust anyone except Exo members. But Minseok's life turns dangerous and he must always be careful. Enemies are everywhere and they want to destroy Exo. Sometimes Minseok wants to feel a normal life again.

One night while he was walking around enjoying the night air, Minseok found a small cafe on the downtown. The cafe looks crowded and Minseok decides to go buy coffee. As he entered, he breathed in the fresh aroma of coffee beans and the smell of baked bread. As Minseok looks forward to order, the air knocked out of his lungs. The cashier was a small, beautiful woman, with a charming smile. Her hair was braided and unraveled on her shoulders. Minseok often sees beautiful women but only this time he feels speechless. Minseok glanced at her nametag "Kim Jisoo". Minseok wondered if this is love at the first sight.

Since then every night Minseok stopped by to buy a cup of coffee in the hope of seeing Kim Jisoo at a glance. He wondered how old is she, whether she was in college, if she had a boyfriend. But all of those questions Minseok keep it in his heart. That night, Minseok accidentally left his wallet on the table. He wants to know what Kim Jisoo is going to do. Much to his surprise, Kim Jisoo chases him straight to hand over his wallet. He thought earlier that she would keep his wallet and return it tomorrow night.

"Thanks a lot miss ...?", He asked.

"Jisoo, Kim Jisoo"

"Thanks Jisoo-shi, I'm Minseok, Kim Minseok," he said, offering his hand. Kim Jisoo smiled so cutely and Kim Minseok then decided he did not completely hate cute things.


My bias in EXO :D Who's your bias? Let me know!

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